Spotify vs Radio Ads


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In this presentation I will be explaining the reasons behind why I decided to host my audio advert on Spotify rather than FM Radio.


Spotify allows for businesses to target their adverts to very specific people. This is great for the movie advert because I can choose to have my advert played to only the people in my target audience.

Radio adverts cannot achieve the same level of targeted marketing. The only choice you have is when in the day the adverts play, the radio station and radio show it’s played on. This gives some degree of control, for example, Kerrang! Magazine are much more likely to put radio adverts on radio shows that focus on rock music than Classic FM.


Language Age Gender Location Time Day Genre Playlist



Spotify allows ads to be targeted worldwide and for different languages, making the location setting much more valuable. Spotify can work out where a person lives and will not change their ads if they travel on holiday for example. You can only target by location on traditional radio by choosing a local radio station if you want to target local people. Spotify can target any location in the world and each person separately.

Spotify also allows adverts to target people based on the genre of music they usually listen to or are listening to right no, and also to their ever changing ‘mood’ playlists that have things such as ‘Commute’ ‘Dining’ and ‘Work Out’ so that you can even target ads at people likely to be performing certain tasks. This is useful because I won’t be advertising my sci – fi action movie to people listening to a chill out playlist for example. I can target my advert to people listening to similar music used in my movie and my advert as well. If they recognise the song in the advert as one they listen to frequently then the listener will be much more interested.

WORLDWIDE DISTRIBUTIONAnother huge benefit that Spotify has over radio is that it is listened to all around the world. This means that putting an advert in one place doesn’t mean it’s worldwide reach is small like on radio. There are international radio stations but they are much less popular than regional radio stations as people prefer to listen to people from their own country speaking their own language. To have an international spread on radio, I will need to individually advertise on many radio stations around the world, something which is more expensive and much more time consuming.

Not only can I pick specific geographical areas to advertise to, but also specific languages to include. I personally will only be making an English version of my spotify advert so I will be choosing an ‘English only’ distribution so that people with other languages in their spotify settings won’t hear my advert. With a higher budget I probably would do this though.

COSTSThe production costs are going to be very similar weather I am advertising on Spotify or on radio but the airtime costs differ massively.

A rough estimate for a week long campaign at peak time on a national radio station is around £10,000 which is a huge amount of money to spend at first glance, but considering that the radio station will have several million listeners during this time, it is probably a good investment to allow the general public to be aware of the film. It is not very good at targeted marketing like spotify is though. Spotify’s costs work differently, it costs £10 per 1000 interactions, which means that for the same price as a week on the radio, you can have a spotify advert targeted and played to people 1,000,000 times. I think that this is much more valuable as the ads are much more targeted.
