Speakout Upper Intermediate Unit3 day4


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Unit 3 (4) - downtime

Travelling and locations Vocabulary review: test your partner – how many

words/phrases can you remember?Discuss: Have you been to any of the islands off the coast of

Korea? Which one(s)? How was it? Have you hiked to any of the summits of the high

mountains in Korea? Which one(s)? Was it difficult? Would it bother you to live in close proximity to an airport

like Incheon? Why/why not? Where would you prefer to travel to on holiday – a

remote and unspoilt location or a busy city? Why|? Would you prefer to live in a more or less densely

populated city/country? Why?

Future forms What time do your classes finish today? What’s the first thing you do when you get back to your

dorm room? What are you doing tonight? What are you going to do this weekend?

What do think the weather will be like? Are you planning to go somewhere on holiday this

coming vacation? What are you hoping to do after university? Where do you think you will live when you’re in your

30s? What do you think the next great invention will be?