Speakout Upper Intermediate 2nd ed Unit3 day2r


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Unit 3 (2) - stories

regrets What do you think this means?

oops – an expression of surprise or feeling

sorry about a mistake or slight accident

what if – a question that asks someone to

imagine what might happen or what might have happened

Do you agree? Why/why not?

Do you have any ‘oops’ moments? What happened?

I shouldn’t have + pp

Do you have any ‘what if’ thoughts?

If only/I wish I had + pp/ I should have + pp

Is there anything you would like to change about yourself

or your life now? Why?

If only/I wish + S + past simple

It’s a great read What kinds of things do you like to read? Why?

Do you like watching movies that are adapted from

books? Why/why not?

In Korea, are there certain books that people think are

important to read?

What kinds of books are they?

Have you read certain books because you thought you

should read them, rather than wanting to read them?

A recent survey asked 1,500 people if they have lied

about reading something they haven’t read.

Do you think males or females are more likely to lie about what

they’ve read? Why?

Why might someone lie about having read something?

It’s a great read

Survey results - lying about reading something

46% of men & 33% of women – to appear intellectual or romantic

74% of teenagers – lying about reading SNS or song lyrics

Do the results of the survey surprise you? Why/why not?

Have you ever lied about reading something? Why did

you do it?

What kinds of things would impress you if someone told

you they read them? Why?

It’s a great read

#3A – look at the four books in the photo on p. 38 – have

you read any of them, or do you know anything about


#3B – Listen & complete the table

#3C – Listen again – why did they like/dislike the book?

#3D – Discuss

#4A ~ C

#5A – Rewrite the sentences

Check with a partner


2. I can’t stand reading on my tablet. It hurts my eyes.

3. I don’t like detective stories that much.

4. I’m not really [I can’t get] into blockbusters such as the

Bourne series.

5. The thing I like about Twelve Years a Slave is the way it

teaches you about history.

6. What I like about Agatha Christie books are the plots.

7. I’m a big fan of Stieg Larsson.

#5B – Think about it and discuss
