Spanish Session Can you lay the table? 03/02/14




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  • 1. Grundtvig Project Session 5 3rd February 2014 Can you lay the table?

2. Lay the Table - Cutlery 1. Knives and spoons go to the right of each plate setting. 2. Forks go on the left hand side of the plate. 3. Cutlery is always arranged in the order in which it will be used, starting from the outside and working inwards. 4. Forks are placed with the prongs facing upwards and knife blades should face inwards towards the plate. 5. The dessert spoon and fork are sometimes put above the place setting in order to save space on the table. The fork's handle should face to the left. Put the spoon above the fork with its handle to the right. 3. Lay the Table - China 1. Lay side plates on the left of the setting. 2. Other plates are generally brought in with each course. 3. A simply folded napkin is laid on the side plate (on the left) or to one side of the glasses (on the right). If it is arranged in a complicated fold, it goes in the centre of the setting or on the side plate. 4. Lay the Table - Glassware 1. If you are serving a single wine, put the wine glass just above the tip of the table knife. 2. For more than one wine, provide a different glass for each wine. Each glass is removed with the course it accompanies. 5. This diagram covers pretty much all eventualities! 6. Lay the Table Practice 1 Forks 7. Lay the Table Practice 2 Knives 8. Lay the Table Practice 3 Spoons 9. Lay the Table Practice 4 Glasses 10. Table Ready!! 11. And after eating .. clear the table!!!
