Sexual harresment on women


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Hostile Hallways (2001) exposed an alarming paradox. Students today are more aware of sexual harassment policies than they were in 1993 – when the AAUW Educational Foundation conducted the first Hostile Hallways survey – but sexual harassment remains a serious problem in our schools.

Harassment-Free Hallways: How to Stop Sexual Harassment in Schools

Harassment-Free Hallways, a guide for students, parents, and educators, was posted on AAUW’s website August 20, 2002. The guide has been updated in 2004.

Harassment-Free Hallways: How to Stop Sexual Harassment in college`s

The guide features: Targeted checklists and surveys Practical strategies to help prevent

harassment Examples of model policies and prevention

programs Separate downloadable sections specifically

geared to various audiences A survey, resource list, and safety plan for

students An extensive list of resources

NEA Bullying Awareness Campaign: AAUW has also established a partnership

with the National Educational Association (NEA) to support the NEA Bullying Awareness Campaign.

Through this partnership, NEA provides AAUW members around the country with training on how to confront and tackle the problem of bullying and sexual harassment.
