Service-Learning and Collaborative Engagement Across Borders: Making Short-Term Abroad Impact Last...


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Nuria Alonso García, Periklis Fokaidis & Nicholas V. Longo

“In human communities, the conditions of freedom and connectedness are kept vibrant by focusing on what's going on in the heart of the community rather than in being fixated on the forms and structures of the

community. What called us together? What did we believe was possible together that was not possible alone? What did we hope to bring forth by linking with others?” -Margaret Wheatley, 1998



“By interacting with people in the community everyday, I was able to see them as well as myself with new eyes. I found that my desire to know their story and their struggles equaled their desire to know my

story and struggles. This gave me confidence in who I am and where I come from. I have begun to realize

that I have the ability to form meaningful relationships with people who the day before had been complete

strangers.” -Providence College student

“If we are to achieve a richer culture, rich in contrasting values, we must recognize the whole gamut of human potentialities, and so weave a less arbitrary social fabric, one in which each diverse

gift will find a fitting place.” -Margaret Mead, 1963

“Democracy must begin at home, and its home is the neighborly community.” -John Dewey, 1927

“Our systems of education have long given us far too little information about lives outside our borders, stunting our moral imaginations”. -Nussbaum, 2002

“I’ve learned that, yes, I could lead a group of people, one me and the rest followers. I could do that. But how much better would it be if it was a room full of leaders.” -Miami University student leader
