Serengeti national park by oliver milsom


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Serengeti National Park

By Oliver Milsom

Cheetah's Rock Day 1

Cheetah cubs just after breading season.

Cheetah Mother looking for danger and adapted to blend to the grass and to confuse the pray so it can sneak up on them.

Termite Mound important to mix soil to get more minerals

Cheetah body is shaped for running very fast and to lesson the wind holding back.

Cooperation Day 2

Grassy Plain

Cloudy sky just after or in rainy season.

Zebra in a heard with Water Buffalo to confuse pray while they are running.

Water Buffalo been well feed adapted to blend with dirt in the dry season and not for wet.

Big Trees with small leaves to sock up more sun light and fire resistant bark because of the dry season the are lots of


Wilderbeest Heard Day 3

Dry Season in the savanna because of the dust.

Wilder beast running probably from predators and adapted for when caught and fight back and are very hairy to stop dust.

Tall trees with umbrella shaped tops for more sun light.

Flamingo Pond Day 4

Tall Mountain side very green.

Flagons flying around and very skinny to fish out fish from the water.

Water Pond were flagons were they feed.

Female flagons are different colors to the male so they can find out who is who.

Small trees but have adapted to have lots of leaves all bunched to gather to get more

sun light.

Green grass because of the pond.

Native Dance Day 5

The Maasia native dance is to jump to make them look a lot

taller for the women.

The Maasia people are people who only live off the cattle for food and they are unable to dig the ground.

The Maasia usually have long sticks to heard there animals.

Tourist Vacation House Day 6

Tourist nowadays like to have a vacation house in exotic places and to see wonderful animals so they built houses to look like the native houses but with luxuries items and A.C inside to pleaser the vacationers and to look like a native house and to blind in.Would u want to say here?

Wildebeest being attacked by croc Day 7

Wildebeests are adapted for situations like this they have high reflexes and strong legs to jump.

Crocodiles have adapted to look like the murky water and to hide there flat bodies and to have great big jaws to snap and hold anything that passes it.
