Selection Tools for Children's Series



Presentation for Collection Management class on Selection Tools for purchasing children's series fiction. Presented in LIS 748, Spring 2011.

Citation preview

  • 1. Selection tools for children's series Mary Jo Chrabasz LIS 748 01 Spring 2011

2. Children's series: a background

  • 1867 Elsie Dinsmoreis the first series for children published

3. Edward Stratemeyer begins his "syndicate" in 1903, creating over 800 books for children under 13 different pen names and using a group of authors to write the titles 4. In the last decade of the 19 thcentury, an average of 403 books for children published per year.This average increases to 548 per year from 1900-1910 and by 1950 is up to an average of 1,113 books for children per year 5. Why series books?

  • Children enjoy fiction stories

6. Children look for adventure in their fiction 7. Contemporary settings are preferred to historical settings 8. Medal-winning books tend to have a more difficult style of writing, series books are more readable 9. Realistic plots children like to read stories they could picture happening to them 10. Some selection tools to use

  • Standard journals & review sources
  • Horn Book
  • Horn Book Guide

Kirkus 11. School Library Journal 12. Publisher's Weekly 13. Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books 14. Booklist 15. More great selection tools

  • Book selection tools on the internet

16. Kids Reads 17. Children's books and reviews 18. Scholastic Book Wizard 19. NoveList K-8 Plus (subscription database) 20. Even more selection tools

  • World of Reading

21. Goodreads 22. Great Websites for Kids ALSC) 23. Junior Genreflecting: A Guide to Good Reads and Series Fiction for Childrenby Bridget Dealy Volz, Cheryl Perkins Scheer, & Lynda Blackburn Welborn 24. Reading in Series: A Selection Guide to Books for Childrenedited by Catherine Barr 25. 26. Classic series

  • The Wizard of Oz

27. Little House on the Prairie series 28. Chronicles of Narnia 29. Nancy Drew 30. Hardy Boys 31. Babysitter's Club 32. Goosebumps 33. Wrinkle in Time series 34. Boxcar Children 35. More good series

  • Magic Tree House

36. Horrible Harry 37. Junie B. Jones 38. American Girls 39. Encyclopedia Brown 40. Arthur 41. Cam Jansen 42. Nate the Great 43. Judy Moody 44. Popular series

  • Rainbow Magic

45. Harry Potter 46. Guardians of Ga'Hoole 47. Percy Jackson 48. 39 Clues 49. Time Warp Trio 50. Charlie Bone 51. Geronimo Stilton 52. Series of Unfortunate Events 53. Resources Booklist online. (accessed 4/27, 2011). Bulletin of the center for children's books. (accessed 4/27, 2011). Children's books and reviews. (accessed 4/27, 2011). Goodreads. (accessed 4/27, 2011). The horn book, inc. (accessed 4/27, 2011). - series books. (accessed 4/27, 2011). Kirkus book reviews. (accessed 4/27, 2011). Publisher's weekly. (accessed 4/27, 2011). School library journal. (accessed 4/27, 2011). Teacher book wizard. Scholastic. (accessed 4/27, 2011). Great websites for kids. (accessed 4/27, 2011). Book selection tools on the internet. (accessed 4/27, 2011). World of reading. (accessed 4/27, 2011). Reading in series: A selection guide to books for children1999. . Ed. Catherine Barr. New Providence, New Jersey: R.R. Bowker. Deane, Paul.1991.Mirrors of american culture: Children's fiction series in the twentieth century . Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, Inc. Saltman, Judith. 1997. Groaning under the weight of series books.Emergency Librarian24, no. 5: 23, Volz, Bridget Dealy, Cheryl Perkins Scheer, and Lynda Blackburn Welborn. 2000.Junior genreflecting: A guide to good reads and series fiction for children . Englewood, Colorado: Libraries Unlimited, Inc.
