Screenshots of editing


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Screenshots of Editing

To begin with, in the editing process, we added both of the media files into the time line and then proceeded to splitting up the video clips into different sections based on when the interviewee answered the question.

Then after we had divided all of the clips up into the answers of the interviewee we then split up all of the clips along the time line and matched each clip up to the right question.

When all of the clips were lined up it was time to add the images when had collected to go along with the video clips for the cutaways.

After adding all of the images that were needed for the clip we added a few final touches this being the end credits.

The last few things wee added, so that the film would look a bit smoother between transitions, we added transition effects between each of the video clips and the images. Then finally we added the sound track in the background.

These are the images of us filming the interviewees for the documentary.