SciFinder Scholar And EndNote with Images



Instructions for Importing SciFinder Scholar into EndNote with screen images

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SciFinder Scholar Databases and EndNote

Detailed Importing Instructions

Importing records from the American Chemical Society’s SciFinder Scholar database into EndNote is accomplished via a Manual Import process utilizing a tagged text file export from the SciFinder Database and the SciFinder (CAS) import filter.

Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) provides instructions for saving records for import into EndNote.

For SciFinder 2007 –

A detailed description of the process of importing records is as follows:

1. Search SciFinder Scholar for articles of interest. Mark the articles of interest.

2. Click on the Save As button.

3. The Save File As dialog box appears. You need to determine what to name the file and where you want to save the file. You also need to change the type “Save as type” to Tagged Format (*.txt).

3. Once the file of marked records is saved to your computer in the Tagged Format (*.txt), you are ready to import the records into EndNote. Launch EndNote and open the library you want to import the records into.

4. Go to Import under the File Menu which brings up the Import menu box.

5. Use the Choose File button to select the tagged (*.txt) file you saved from your search.

6. The next box, Import Option, use the pull down menu to select the SciFinder (CAS) import filter. If it is not displayed in the menu, choose the Other Filters… option to bring up the Import Filters menu. Scroll through the menu until you locate the SciFinder (CAS) from the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS).

7. The final two options are Duplicates: and Text Translation. As for duplicates, you have the option to choose between Import All, Discard Duplicates, and Import to Duplicates Library. Leave Text Translation as the default, No Translation.

8. Click on the Import button to complete importing the records into the selected EndNote Library.
