Sci fi (media-story)


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It Came From The Mist

Space is still, space is calm….well it appears to be

A space rocket is thundering through the lonely depths of space, LT. Sherman is sleeping in his single space bed. Sherman was restless when a bright light popped on above his head, this light felt as if someone had just pored scolding hot water in Sherman’s eyes. Sherman flopped his hands over his eyes when a voice over the ships speaker system spoke, “Lt Sherman, suit up the commander wants you for an emergency spacewalk”. A few seconds pass, “ Come on Sleeping Beauty, get your lazy arse out of bed we have a job to do” Sherman slapped his hand on the computer panel situated at the head of his bed, “I’m on my way”.

Sherman sat up in bed, placing his hands at either side of his head, wiping his eyes then standing up. The room was filled with various things, some standard to such rooms and other unique to this room and its occupant (personal belongings of Sherman, and other standard objects commonly found in this type of room). A small stack of Sci-Fi comic books lay aside the bed, on what appeared to be a work station lay a bowl and spoon with a cereal box sitting just behind, also there was a picture a poster and some records etc. scattered around the room. Signs scattered the walls as did lights and computer panels. Sherman began to walk towards what can only be described as a wardrobe. On his way to the wardrobe he stuck his hand in the cereal box pulling out a handful and attempted to cram the cereal in his mouth, Sherman opened the wardrobe and pulled out all the aspects of his spacesuit, he began by putting on the jumpsuit followed by boots, gloves, chest piece, oxygen tank and finally picked up the helmet and placed it under his arm. Noticing his boot wasn’t on just right Sherman lifted his leg up to re-arrange his boot, and as he does so the ship shakes violently knocking Sherman over, resulting in him dropping his helmet. The lights flickered then came back on in a dull red lighting at the same moment an alarm can be heard screeching through the room, Sherman scrambled to his feet grabbing his helmet. Sherman hurried to his desk computer pressing a button and said “bridge is there a problem” through the speaker. All that could be heard was static. Sherman placed the clear dome over his head screwing it firmly in place. Sherman walked over to the door to leave the room as he did his eyes were directed to the gap between the two parts of the door, a goo of some sort was dripping down the door and strange mist was flowing through the door becoming more intense and filling the room. Sherman put his arm out and ran his hand down the door gathering the goo on his gloves. Then the door began to open and a bright light filled the room as the door slowly opened and the room filled with the strange mist. Sherman was in awe yet terrified as what ever it was filled the room.