Safety & Security Airports comparison



Changi & Sydney Airport

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Safety & Security

Table of contents


Acknowledgement……………………………………………………………….. I

1.0: Introduction……………………………………...………………………..…. 1

2.0: Check In Counter...………………………………………..……………....... 1

3.0: Immigration………………...…………………….………………………….. 2

4.0: Custom….……………………………………………………………..….….. . 3

5.0: Flow chart of an EMBARK/ DISEMBARKING passenger ….................... . 4

6.0: Comparison between 2 international airport……………………………….. 5

7.0:Changi International Airport…………………………………………………. 6

7.1: Security measurement…...…………………………………... .. 6

7.2: Check In ………….……………………………………………. 8

7.3: Departure Check In Counter Layout…………………………. 9

7.4: Immigration & Custom……..…………………………………. 10

7.5: Airport Police Division………………………………………. … 11

7.6: Perimeter Gates/Fencing………………………………………. 12

8.0: Sydney International Airport………………………………………………….. 13

8.1: Custom & Check In Counter, Immigration…………………………… 13

8.2: Other Security Issues…………………………………………………… 14

9.0: Comparison &Recommendation………………………………………………. 15

10.0 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………. 16

11.0:Bibliography……………………………………………………………………. 17

Case Study Page 0

Safety & Security



The most important security measures at an airport is such as confirming the identity

of travelers. This is done by checking a photo ID, such as a driver's license. If you are

traveling internationally, you need to present your passport. There's also security check before

embark and disembarking passenger and luggage.

Check In

Airport Check-in are service counters found at commercial airports handling

commercial air travel. The check-in is normally handled by an airline or a handling agent

working on behalf of an airline. Passengers usually hand over any baggage they do not wish

or are not allowed to carry-on to the aircraft's cabin and receive a boarding pass before they

can proceed to board their aircraft. They various of type of security that been provide at the

check in counter for safety of passenger boarding the aircraft.

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Immigration responsible for:

Monitor persons who leave or enter the country,

Checking for appropriate documentation,

Arresting people wanted by international arrest warrants.

Block the entry of dangerous people to the country.

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Customs responsible for :

The processing of people, carriers, cargo, and mail into and out of the country.

(including animals & hazardous items)

The proper collection of taxes, fees, penalties for imported items.

The prohibition of narcotics and illegal drugs.

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Flow chart of an EMBARK/ DISEMBARKING passenger

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This is the flowchart of section that passenger have to go through before get into aircraft or out from aircraft.This section is where airport authority or Personnel wil put their security measurement consist of people and equipment or machine.

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Security measurement


The measures restrict the amount of liquids, aerosols and gels that passengers

can carry in hand-carry luggage on all flights departing from Changi Airport. The

guideline are :

Liquids, aerosols and gels must be in containers with a maximum capacity of not more

than 100ml each.

Containers must be placed in a transparent re-sealable plastic bag with a maximum

capacity not exceeding 1-litre.

Each passenger is allowed to carry only one transparent re-sealable plastic bag, which

must be presented separately for examination;

Exemptions will be made for medications, baby food and special dietary items. These

items will be subjected to additional checks at the security screening point.

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o International Civil Aviation Organization's (ICAO) recommendation- * Made

after the United Kingdom (UK) aviation terror plot in August 2006.



o The measures apply to departing flights only


o The measures were implemented on 8 May 2007.



o To facilitate their check-in and security screening processes, passengers are

advised to pack all liquid, aerosol and gel items appropriately before arriving at

the airport.

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*The 2006 transatlantic aircraft plot was a terrorist plot to detonate liquid explosives carried

on board at least 10 airliners travelling from the United Kingdom to the United States and


Check In

Passengers are advised to check in for their flights early. Most airlines start operating

their Check-in counters at least 2 hours before flight departure. Before proceeding to the

Check-in counters, have your own valid passport, valid visa (if necessary) and air ticket ready.

If you have an e-ticket, bring along a print-out of your e-ticket.

All checked baggage will be screened by airport security. Passengers should not pack

any weapons, combustible items, explosive materials, toxic or other dangerous substances

into their Check-in baggage. This luggage will be screened before passengers board the plane.

Passengers may be required to have their checked baggage undergo further security screening

if deemed necessary.

All passengers will go through metal detector for body screening before boarding the

aircraft. Departing passengers are checked at the entrance of the gate rather than after

immigration . This security measure is easily noticed by the presence of X-Ray machines and

metal detectors at every gate which is not normally seen at other airports.

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Upon arrival at the airport, please refer to the Flight Information Boards and Plasma

Screens (conveniently located beyond the Departure Hall entryways) for your airline's check-

in row information. Many airlines offer Early and Off-Airport Check-In options. For greater

convenience, check-in "Off-Airport" anywhere you please via the internet or by phone. We

invite you to check-in early at the airport and enjoy Changi's great transit facilities, food and

beverages, and shopping!

Departure Check In Counter Layout

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The Immigration Halls are located at the ground floor. There are two queuing areas -

one is for Singaporeans and residents, the other would be for all nationalities. All foreign

visitors are required to complete the disembarkation/embarkation (D/E) card and have valid

travel documents and visa (if applicable) before proceeding for immigration clearance.


Upon your arrival at the Singapore Changi Airport, your baggage will be subjected to

checks by the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority and other security agencies.

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Under Singapore law, prohibited items such as arms and explosives, bullet-proof

clothing, antique guns, toy guns and swords etc require authorization from the Police

Licensing & Regulatory Department of the Singapore Police Force.

If you have prohibited items in your possession, please declare them and produce valid

permits or authorization documents. Your understanding and cooperation will help speed up

checkpoints clearance and prevent further verification by the authorities which may result in

administrative and personal inconveniences.

Police dog services for explosive detection, drug detection and other purposes.

Airport Police Division

The Airport Police Division was formed on 1 Nov 1970 when the State Police

assumed the responsibility for airport security at Changi Airport - Deal with ever changing

security challenges.

Responsible for the maintenance of law and order which encompasses the Singapore

Changi Airport - The Appropriate Authority for security at the airport.

APD maintains Law regulated by Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS),

Immigration & Checkpoints Authority ( ICA ) and other government agencies, as well as

Changi Airport Group ( CAG ).

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Perimeter Gates/Fencing

Patrol teams of two soldiers and a police officer armed with machine guns monitoring

around the terminals at random. Also been Monitoring by CCTV. Install over 400 cameras to

monitor the airport. Electric monitoring of the perimeter fence; and the screening of personnel

and cargo entering through the control gates

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Sydney International Airport

The main focus on security measurement

They inspect goods, search passengers

Detect smuggling activities and monitor exit and departure flows.

The Border Police operate on an information and profiling system

Spot checks are also made on incoming and outgoing cargo goods and passengers.

Custom & Check In Counter

There is no x-ray scanner big enough to inspect an entire container(cargo).Currently

the Border Police at the Sydney Airport have only hand-held x-ray scanners to search for

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drugs and explosives. Current pallet-sized x-ray scanner too small for the purposes of the

police scanning procedure.


The documentation verification system is still manual for passenger & cargo.

Information not centralize & not link. Border Police had no access to Customs to get


Other Security Issues

Shortage of staff - Border Police at the Sydney Airport need more members who are

specifically trained to undertake physical inspections.71 Because of the current

shortage of trained personnel, not all profiled cargo and passengers documentation can

be inspected accurately

Didn’t Separate between domestic & international pax -The mixing of international

and domestic cargo create more security problem

Lack of scanner capacity.

No (walk-through metal detectors)

Poor fencing

Poor reporting of security issues

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Safety & Security

o Smuggling detected by other security personnel goes unreported – poor link

Lack of surveillance system for Freight and Terminal systems

o No CCTV cameras linked to a central control room

o Problem lost , damage , stolen luggage

o Not enough CCTV cameras to cover their operations

Poor organization structure

o Overlapping responsibility

Comparison between 2 international airport security measurements

Both Airport similar on early check in security check. Also both have Police

department division. Baggage will be subjected to checks by the Immigration and

Checkpoints Authority and other security agencies. Other security measurement like metal

and other restricted luggage are same.

Changi :Restrict on liquid and passenger hand-carry luggage. Departing passengers are

checked at entrance get rather than after immigration. Fencing monitoring regularly by

personnel and CCTV. Passenger have to go through metal detector. Enough scanner x-ray.

Sydney :Restrict to smuggling activities. Departing passengers checked at the

immigration. Fencing didn’t monitor by security and no CCTV. No metal detector for

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Safety & Security

departing passengers. Easy to smuggling things. Lack of surveillance system. There is no

x-ray scanner big enough to inspect an entire container(cargo). Only hand-held x-ray

scanners to search for drugs and explosives.

Recommendation for future development

General Electric (GE) started to develop the Secure Registered Traveler System. The

new system would use newly developed technology such as automated carry-on scanning,

automatic biological pathogen detection, millimeter-wave full body scanning and a quadruple

resonance carpet that would detect threats in shoes without having to take them off. The SRT

program also works with smartcard technology along with fingerprint technology to

helpverify passengers. The fingerprint scanner also detects for explosive material traces on the

person's fingers.

Demand for new technology in airport security increasing


International safety measures are in place to protect you and your loved

ones when travelling. It is important to comply with these measures, as failure to

do so could endanger the safety of all passengers on board the aircraft. It is also

an offence if you fail to comply with them. Safety and security is a top priority

for all air travelers.

Case Study Page 17

Safety & Security

….Statically speaking Air Transport still the safest way to travel………………. Clark Kent


wikipedia. (2006, 06 04). Retrieved from

Dictionary, A. (1999). US airforce dictionary. Retrieved from http://USairforce

Elbert, R. (2005). Safety andsecurity measurement

ICAO. (2001, july 2). PDF. Retrieved from http://ICAO/airport annexes

NASA. (n.d.). NASA Theasaurus. Retrieved from Washington DC.

Changiinternationalairport. Retrieved from

Sydneyinternationalairport. Retrieved from

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