ROTC Brief, Heat Stroke



Something I put together for my ROTC, Det 025...LETS GO FLYING DEVILS!!!

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Presented by C/Frias

101Heat Illness

OverviewHeat Illness

-In this briefing you will learn to identify, and deal with situations of heat related illness’.

-Heat Cramps, Heat Exhaustion, Proper Hydration, Heat Stroke

Lesson 1Heat Cramps

·Heat cramps are brief severe cramps that may occur during or after rigorous exercise

·Due to poor hydration and loss of salts and potassium in the body through perspiration.


Lesson 1Heat Cramps

·Not Life Threatening


·Cool, Rest, Fluids, Massage

Lesson 2Proper

HydrationKnow The Difference

·Water -Temp regulation, Lubrication of joints, transports nutrients, digestion

·Sports Drinks -Replenish electrolytes and minerals quickly, recovers muscles

Lesson 2Proper

HydrationGet Enough of It!

·Monitor Urine Volume and Color, Sweat, Temp, Altitude, Weight

·15-20 Fl oz 3 hours before

·10 fl oz 15 Minutes During

· 20-24 Fl oz for every pound loss

Lesson 3Heat


·Fatigue, Weakness, Clammy Skin, Headache, Nausea/Vomiting, Hyperventilation, Irritation

·More Serious Heat Illness

Lesson 3Heat


·Go Indoors/Find Shade

·Cool down with Cool Water

· Loosen/ Remove Clothing

·Encourage Patient to Eat/ Drink

·Rest, and Monitor

Lesson 4Heat Stroke


·Life threatening, loss of ability to regulate body temp.

·Hot/Dry Skin, 108°F temp, severe headache, sluggishness, confusion, seizure, weakness, black out

Lesson 4Heat Stroke


·Move Indoors/ Find Shade

·Douse with cool water

·Get Immediate Medical Attention

·Do not give fluids

·Can result in death

ReviewHeat Illness

·Heat Cramps

·Proper Hydration

·Heat Exhaustion

·Heat Stroke

ReviewHeat Illness
