Rock Pool Adventure


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Last term at camp the Year 7’s were getting ready to go fossicking at some rock pools.

First the year 7’s gathered in the large marquee to find out what we needed. We were told to wear sneakers so the jagged rocks wouldn’t cut our feet. So we went to our tents to get ready. Once we were ready we went back to the marquee to get instructions from the teachers.

Once everyone was ready we went outside to start walking. The rock pools were at the base of the mount and it was about 5 minutes walk from the campsite. Once we got to the rock pools Mr McKay gave out buckets for everyone to put the marine creatures they found in them.

After all the buckets had been given out we got to go climb the pointy rocks. People found white crabs and spiky kina at first. Then someone moved a rock and found 2 small black fish. After about 10 minutes we got to move on to another section of the rock pools where people found more crabs and kina.

Finally we were told to come and sit down to share what we had found. Someone found a sea sponge, a crab and some kina. After we had shared we headed back to camp.

It was a very interesting day.

By Jordan
