Robert presentation


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Robert Nurmsalu8BPelgulinna Gümnaasium2011


So I decided to presentate around my home.

I hope you like the presentation . The weather was pretty rainy, so

don’t mind the quality of the picture (which was made with my telephone)

So this is the house where I live. It’s actually an apartment, but it’s okay. I like to live here beacuse it is closer to my school then it was before, I used to live in Ülemiste. But I really like to live here, it is closer to school and I like to live here, since I have been living here my whole life. (Except 4 years in Ülemiste)

This is the bus stop. Obviously, I wait here for the bus, so I can go to school or somewhere else. It’s near to the home aswell.

This is the the beach. In the summer, I always come here to swim or get myself a sunbath (mostly I get a sunburn :D). I really like this beach.

This is the football area, so to say. It is few metres away from the beach. There is enough room to play football or whatever you do there. I‘ve seen some people even sunbathe here.

This is the *park*, next to the beach (few metres away again).On the left picture, you can see some of the football area.

A quick picture I made from a long distance, it’s my home by the way :D


I hope you liked a quick tour around my home.

So pretty much I live near the beach and the bus stop :P

Oh also, the pictures are kinda badly made, they are made with my telephone.

I hope you enjoyed this presentation.