Research into media magazines




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Comparing media texts

By Amber Roberts

Contents page • Front covers slides 3- 15• Contents page. slides 16-28• Double page spread. Slides 29-39• Questionnaire. slide 40• Questions 1-9 (41-48)• Mood board from what I fount out. (49)• results of audience research which have been analysed and reflected on (50) • Whats my tribe ( 51-75)• the personal learning and reflection (76)• reflection on what you have learnt from your front cover analysis and how you can use this k

nowledge for your own front cover (77)

• reflection on what you have learnt from your contents page analysis and how you can use this knowledge for your own contents page (78)

• for what you have learnt from your audience research questionnaire and find your tribe N B you nay dins you are repeating a little of what you sais from your analysis but this is drawing everything together of what you have learnt from both your audience research activities (79)

Click on the names of each slide and it will take you to that slide.


Lead article

Bar code

Buzz wordsAnd plugs And teasers

Sky line

Main image

Main cover

Cover line And Plugs and teasers

Two thirds

Mast head is simple, but has red and yellow in the gaps in the letters making it stand out from the other magazines as their mast head is made up of white letters and in bold where as this one is using white and two other colours to stand out from the shelves. Also it takes up the whole width which is following the conventions of other magazines; they do this as when the magazine is on the shelf there will be others on top of it and the heading will attract the customer to it.

The main image is of the singer Rihanna which currently at the moment is one of the top single sellers and has a huge fan base, which would be good for sales as men think she is “hot” and girls think she’s amazing and beautiful. Which goes to show that their sales for this issue could go up potentially. By the main image containing mostly red, makes me think she is feisty and just screaming at me “don't mess with me” also it suggests that she is a very independent women and likes to break the rules. Also she's only wearing a white top, which is more like a bra, which connotes innocence but then again their is a tattoo on her side which is suggesting don't mess with me, they could of photo shopped this out, but they kept it in to emphasise her being feisty and the don't mess with me look.


The barcode is on the bottom of the page and isn't following the conventions of magazines as it make it different to the other magazines . But with it being on the other side makes it different to other magazines

“fans don’t really know who I am” is a lure as it makes them think omg, I have to read this as they are thinking well is she just a lie then? And they will in turn read the magazine to find out what and why they didn’t know about her before.

Other cover lines are there to tell the reader what else to expect in the magazine as if they are a regular subscriber and they don't generally like Rihanna, there will be similar information or complete opposite to this so they are still reaching many of their target audiences so they wont be losing out

Sky line is drawing you in with big buzz words “ the 209BEST SONGS of 2007 suggests that the words which are enlarged are emphasising to the audience that this is the magazine to know about the greatest songs of 2007 and you wont find it anywhere else.

Main image is of Fergie from black eyed peas. She’s just in her bra with her shirt being undone. Which too me is screaming sex appeal. This is more aimed at a guy?? Or a girl? But with an image like this is giving teenagers a wrong idea of the “perfect image”. She fills up most of the page with her chest as the main focus. She’s also wearing blue nails which is following the theme of blue and gold on this page.

Bar code is the bottom left corner, which is not following the codes and conventions of magazines but perhaps it didn’t fit in on the other side?

The other cover lines is drawing I the other fans who aren’t into Fergie but are still into Blender. Which is good as they aren’t totally excluding them from this magazine. Like with the buzz word PLUS , shows what else there is too offer in the issue.

Main cover line is “ Fergie” “HOW A BAD GIRL MADE GOOD “ suggest that before this article she wasn't seen a good person but now she has changed and turned a new leaf. But in comparison to this, she is stood there half naked so really is she a good girl?? Or is this just a play on words making the reader believe that she has turned a new leaf? When really the leopard really hasn't changed its spots.

The buzz words WOMEN of the YEAR suggests that there has been a competition which is incorporating prosumors in this and making the readers feel more apart of the magazine as they had the chance to vote for who they wanted as the women of the year.

Mast head following the conventions of magazines as its fills the whole width of the page. Easy to see and the word “blender “ has a line through it making it look like its been through a blender?

The mast head AP looks kind of future like almost like its from a fantasy movie or something. Its used quite simple and basic colours and continued the yellow and green theme to the main article which is good as its keeping things simple and its not over powering Christopher's face . Which is a good, thing as many front covers can go over the top with the fonts and styles and ruins the picture. Its also following the rules and conventions by having the mast head taking up the whole width and being at the top making it easy to distinguish in the shops.

The cover lines and plugs makes the reader want too look into it as its showing and wanting you too look at the votes from the best artists music etc from 2010 which “YOU VOTED” making the conventions come to gether making the whole prosumer come into effect. By not stating all what's in the magazine has made is quite simple which is a good thing

The lure on this magazine is quite strong as 2010 READERS POLL RESULTS ARE IN! Just draws the viewer in along with ARTIST OF THE YEAR, just is irresistible for loyal fans to miss out on

The main image is the lead singer, Christopher drew (19 years old), from Never Shout Never which suggests he is what the fans like and want. As in other band i.e. fall out boy, the bassist is the main attraction in the band. Also he has been voted in 2010 as artist of the year, which for Christopher is amazing. Also this will boost sales as the fans from the magazine voted for him so they are more than likely to buy this to have an exclusive interview with him. His face is cute and innocent. Quite an easy look to go for but its making him look vulnerable at the same time or inexperienced compared to other lead singers i.e. shadows from avenged seven fold. But he has a lip piercing so maybe its just an act?? But this will only make him seem more “sexy” to the female fan base as his voice is quite soft and cute when he sings so this magazine targets mainly the female fans of 14-25 as its quite teen looking

Mast head is at the top of the page following some of the conventions of magazines but it doesn't cover the whole of the width as, its quite small and its different to others. As here the font is in bold and squished into the corner but, I think it looks good like this and looks less in your face than other magazines. Also how its red and white makes it stand out in the racks and many magazines go for the white look, but here they have gone for red and its the same shade as the background so it kind of blends in . Also they are stating that they are different to others by not completely following the magazine conventions.

The main cover line is taking up the whole width of the page and is easy to identify and its different to their other issues as they have the other titles to the side of the page or around the middle. But here its needed as its “war on emo”. Show the slanting a story easy to get across here as the fans of nme like to hear new and main steam music and the best music currently around at in 2007, these were hot bands to listen to. “bottled at reading attacked by tabloids, threatened in the streets” suggests that these bands are bad role models and they are in incredible danger. But the main images suggest that they don't care about what people do to them or what they say.

The main image, is of two different bands being branded for being emo. As when a band is given this name it usually follows

cults, depression, making the fans become like this. But I do think that this is unfair . Yes Gerard Way was depressed when the Black

Parade was written and on tour, and was accused of teens “following them i.e. being a

cult” and committing suicide. But bands shouldn't be criticised and labelled for their music, their famous for what they do and

NME is showing this on their front cover to show the affects and awareness of what

happening to “emo”.

The other plugs/cover lines on the page suggest that they are trying to get fans from other genres to buy it as well as they have a new album by the Scissor sisters, oasis's new track list and arctic monkeys on judges not being stupid.. Which goes to show they have targeted a lot of genres in this issue. As they have rock/emo/ alternate, pop, and indie/indie rock.

The theme on this page is very red and black as one half is red and the other is black. But also there is a contrast as panic! At the disco aren't to me “emo” nor are MCR, but MCR are more of that genre than PATD. but how Gerard is placed in a military jack on the red side suggests they want him to be noticed as if they put him on the black side, then the readers wouldn't be able to see him as much.

Graphic features suggest that they are showing other features in the magazine to entice the audience into looking further into the magazine, and they have more to offer is MCR and PATD isn't your thing.

Mast head is cracked and looks like when glass breaks. Which represents rebellion and not giving a damn. Its following the rules of conventions of having it full width and at the top of the page so fans know what too look for when buying the magazine. Also its a very basic colour white and there isn’t much too it. But the main image is underneath the mast head which is different to many magazines as the image usually over laps the mast head.

Main image is of Haley Williams, lead singer from paramore, in a punching pose almost as if she punching your face. By doing this they are slanting a story as many fans of kerrnag love her. This adds to the fact that this magazine is very rebellious and doesn't give a crap about what people think. Also Haley looks very mean and sexy in this as mainly girls look soft, cute and innocent but here she looks totally different to many girls. Also how her hand is in focus and her face is almost out of focus draws the attention to the fist.

Sky line is very appealing to is audience as its a rock magazine its put a pun into it “rocked your world”. Also its making the reader feel proud, prosumer, as they had the chance to interact with the magazine online and vote for their favourites, east favourites of the year etc.

A main plug in this is about the long awaited return of guns ‘n’ roses which is appealing to other fans which aren't necessarily into soft rock of paramore and like more metal.

Lead article is an exclusive and is almost teasing the reader with what's to be said inside the issue and with Haley's fist punching the page the words are almost making you read them with out knowing. Its different as they would usually put the main story line around the main image but them used a bit of experimentation here and its worked well.

Mast head covers the width of the page which is following the conventions of magazines by having it at the top of the page. The font is in bold with the 1st word “metal” written in a smaller font in the letter H. Which is different to together magazines, as they have the whole of the name displayed in bold letters. The font its self is very heavy metal. As the letters curve almost like a knife or like the band name “Metallica” is shaped like this. Also how there is fire over hammer suggest that's its a destructive magazine and doesn't give a damn what anyone thinks about them. Metal is also see through, so you can see through it creating a different effect to other magazines.

Sky line is bigger than usual sky lines, but usually this magazine comes in a plastic wrapping due to a free gift. Their is a lot of buzz words on here “ FREE CD- 35 sick new sounds!”, “ free gig ticket”, are all suggesting that they are desperate for readers to buy this and by having the main items at the very top is enticing people to buy it.

Lead article is on Avenged sevenfold “ facing death, choosing life, kicking ass” & “ we cant grieve forever” shows that they are slowly over coming the Rev’s death (now the former drummer) which was the 28/12/2009. Which devastated the band and their future and the fans as well ( I was one of them) but the fire in the background shows their back and stronger than ever. Just like the saying- what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. Also avenged sevenfold is in a type writing style with red for the colour, placed on a black banner which is suggesting death to me. As red= blood and its on a black banner. Also the AX7 logo is placed in front of the image emphasising they are back and fans can distinguish that that’s AX7 by the skull with wings.

Other cover lines are just shouting at you too take a look, but one good thing with this magazine is that you cant read before you buy, so they have to sell everything on the front. As with the FREE MEGADETH BOOK makes the reader want to buy the magazine for the free book. Which is a good promotion offer, as not only will the sales for Metal Hammer go up, but the fans for Megadeth go up as well which in turn could lead to merch and gigs selling out.

More cover lines are “Dimmu biggest metal album ever?” Suggests to the reader that this is what you have been waiting for, and you will only be able to find out why if you look inside.

Graphic features are a big monster at the side of the cover suggesting this is a thrash issue. Even though Avenged Sevenfold aren't. But goes to show that they are thinking about the other readers from this very niche market. Also a GIANT MAIDEN STICKER Is appealing to more earlier metal lovers which is good as they aren’t leaving them out from this issue. Also a free ticket is way more interesting than a free cd, or book or avenged sevenfold coming back, its amazing as they price of them at the moment is way to expensive and to get to go to a gig for free is like pay day for metal fans.

Mast head is placed at the top of the page which is again following the conventions of magazines as its at the top of the page and is the full width of the page. Which is good for fans of the magazine as they only have to look for the AP and they have the newest issue. The font its self looks to me like its from the future or like a puzzle piece. Its genuinely different to other mast heads as they are shaped differently and don't have much too it.

Ap like to keep a consistency of changing the colour scheme, but keep it nice and simple as in the earlier one I edited, it was green and yellow. But here its orange, yellow, white and red which shows they like to keep the colours similar. By having the name underneath is good also as if they have new fans reading it, they might not know what AP means. The colour scheme looks like fire to me as if this band is feisty and isn't afraid of danger or what's ahead of them

Main image is of a boy band holding up photos over their faces which I think is awesome. Maybe when I create my own magazine, I could do something like this. Also how the photos aren't straight shows that they have an edgy look to them and that they are different to most bands around.

Main cover line is “brand new, unmasking the real face of heatcore” which suggests that this isn't an issue to miss if you are really into heatcore, as the magazine will be unveiling all the little details that no one knew before about them.

Will you take blink -182 seriously?, the bouncing souls and anti flag’s acts of terror Shows that this plug is totally different to the main cover line as, that is focused on heatcore, where as the other stories are aimed at the other fans from the magazine. Which I think is a good thing to do so that not all the fans are left out of this issue.

Banner at the bottom is emphasising the buzz words so that they stand out. Being on a yellow banner makes them stand our more than if they didn't have it at all. And if you aren’t into anything on this front cover there will still be something to clench that thirst wanting for new information all the time.

Mast head is taking up the whole width which is following the conventions of magazines. As Kerrang! Always follows these. Which is good in some ways but I love it when a magazine breaks the rules. As rules are made to be broken! The name KERRANG! Is the noise when a guitar is played so their playing on words as this is a form of omnimatopia

The sky line is enticing the fans into buying this as they get 15% off at which is Oli Sykes clothing line, which is great for Oli Sykes fans, but he does have a lot of haters so this really isn’t the best thing to do?

Freebies are being given away with this issue, which is another way for Kerrang to appeal to new fans, as they may love Drop-dead and just buy this issue for the 15% off. As on the website it can be quite expensive for many items so this is a good way to promote his clothing range with his interview.

“KLASSIC K!” is a play on words as they have changed the C for a K and as this is KERRANG! Its almost making it into their own word. And with classic posters, you will only be shown the best posters so far.

The biggest gig guide a plug for gig goers, as if this is the magazine for all the gigs it will be great for them to find out last minute gigs or see who is touring currently at the moment.

Main image is of Oli Sykes who is the current lead singer of bring me the horizon. But he has copied the look of the Mitch Lucker from suicide silence. But I do still like Oli even though he has a huge hater base. But with this interview “you don’t know me” shows that even haters will learn and understand why he is the way he is. This is a very good interview ( I have this issue at home) and you do learn so much from this which is why it relates to why Oli is posed like that.

Main cover line is about Oli Sykes from bring the horizon, telling the readers he bears his soul. So if you ever wanted to find out something about him then this is your chance to find out why he is such a jerk at times or why he is amazing? But its in three different colours making it much more interesting and different so its more eye catching than if it was in the same font ad colour.

Plugs are about other bands which are being featured in the magazine which are different music genres like paramore, alexisonfire, kids in glass houses, dream theater are all different types of music so they are making sure all their fans are going to buy their magazine. Also with the “my parents call me Adam, is another interview with Nergal from Behemoth and tells his life story, but he isn't as important as Oli Sykes? Also green day are mention about being back in the uk which is massive news and Rammstein “ something is missing” shows that do they have a future in the music business?? “ total chaos!” makes me want to open this now and see what caused the chaos.

Everything about this magazine says beautiful. As the target audience is of course girls, but I love how they have arranged Katy to be stood like that with the flowery dress and the background to have the same flowers as her dress. Almost like she's wearing the magazine.

The mast head is a little be too girly and very teen like ( aged 13-16 as its so girly) but I do like it. As the shade of pink they have chosen to do is different to the roses. The mast head is taking up the whole of the width which in turn is following the codes and conventions of magazines which is good. I also like how they have put a star on the letter I ; instead of putting a dot.

The sky line is so tiny to read but I love the quote Makin’ love, not war! We’re still at war right? Suggests that this is a grown up magazine but a bit too girly? Or a teen magazine going a bit to far?

I love how the fonts on the page are all different but look very girly on the front cover. I love it as its not the same old stuff you see every week. Which is what I am going to try and achieve when I create my own magazine hopefully.

Katy Perry is the main image here is of Katy Perry dressed in a rose dress which looks more like a lamp shade. But how she is stood is a weird pose. But suits the article. As the dress pulls her in at the waist and the dress just bulges out at the hips.

The main image is of Kelly Clarkson, this is when she won American idol and won the hearts of everyone in America and in the uk. She is stood there in a gothic dress, ripped tights and netted gloves with a woman of the year banner. Which too me suggests she isn't the nice and sweet girl everyone thought she was. Reasons for this as she does come across as kind and caring, but here she's being shown ( in punk style) in a disaster clothes almost like she doesn't care she does what she wants and no one can stop her. Like a rebellious child? Trying to prove to the world there is a bad side to her and she wants to let it out here and now.

The sky line is black and the rest of the layout is blue, which is making it stand out a lot more than if it was blue. But they have kept the arrow in blue to it keeps to the theme of yellow, blue white and black. “ BUH-BYE 2005” shows that its saying bye, bye 2005 and hello 2006! And has an image of the lead singer from green day which could be saying Green day are going to be big in 2006 maybe??

The bar code is at the bottom right hand corner which is following the codes and conventions of magazines. Which shows that this magazine likes to follow rules and not look un- professional.

The layout here is a typical girls layout with extremely large main cover lines and other cover lines to attract the attention of the viewer. Also, they are using bright colours to make sure that you read the magazine. As Kelly Clarkson is the biggest font on here apart from the mast head. Which is eye catching. The other cover lines on the side are highlighted to draw your attention to them as when you look at a magazine, you look from left to the bottom right and then from the bottom to the top.

The mast head is in block capitals with a cut through the letters and stops at the L so that the B is intact. By having the main image in front of the mast head has made it clear that its a very established and well known magazine, so they don't need to display all of the name in order for fans to know what the magazine is called. By being in white fits in with the blue white black and yellow theme. Which is good as if there was any other colours it would ruin the front cover.

The main image is of My Chemical Romance ( MCR) who are just starting to become main stream. But now 2011 they are huge. How Gerard way and frank are stood there with baseball bats, and all of them have blood on there faces. Its almost like “Gerard what have you been doing?!?” he almost has a cheeky look on his face like as if he wants fans to like him? Also how they are all in school uniform suggests that this was taken for their 2nd album “ three cheers for sweet revengance” as the music video “ I'm not okay” is based in a school. So maybe they want the blood and baseball bat to symbolise how they hate school and are rebelling against school life??

The sky line is offer what other plugs and teasers are available in the magazine. As if you aren't into my chemical romance, then you will be into these ones.

The main cover line is on My chemical romance. “you cant ignore us” suggests that they want people to realise they are here to stay and there is nothing you can do about it.

The other cover lines are making the viewer look more into the magazine as they have night wish, mastodon etc and have lots of buzz words enticing the reader to want to find out why “mastodon go mental”.

The bar code is at the bottom of the page which is following the codes and conventions of magazines.

The mast head fills up the whole of the width of the page. Which is following the codes and conventions of magazines and the name KERRANG! Is all cracked and smashed which is signifying a crashed and I don't really care look. It also suggests that they like to break the rules.

The mast head takes up the whole of the width which is in turn following the codes and conventions of magazines. The colour red has changed from the previous one that I edited. the theme on here is red and yellow black and white. Which seems to be quite a classic look for metal and rock magazines. Which is something for me to consider when I create my own.

“25th anniversary collector’s issue” makes this skyline so appealing to the readers as it will be worth lots in the future. Which is great for enticing new fans for this issue.

Escape the fate are the only image on the front cover giving it a very sophisticated and elegant look. How they are sat at the table supposedly playing cards, but one has been thrown and looks bigger on the camera than the accurately size. Also how they are all just sat there makes me think what are they doing there in the creepy room? Whilst playing cards?

“these alarming men” suggest that escape the fate, main cover line, are taking over the world and are the next biggest thing and prepare for them to blow your mind. Also how its in yellow makes it stand out a lot more. The fonts on this page suggest that its a formal magazine and more aimed at the male genre?

Other cover lines are in red and are very hard to read, so its almost like their suggesting that they aren't important as much as ETF?

Main image here is of Pete wentz and Patrick stump from the former band of Fall out boy ( which has now split) there seems to be a red, white and blue theme going on. Also the expressions on the face are “don't mess with me look”. This too me as a contents page looks more like a interview rather than a contents page. But I do prefer it, as if you look at KERRANG!’s contents page its very boxy and organised where here its different.

The layout to me seems a bit basic and very minimal compared to i.e. kerrang. But I like it. The headings and information is displayed at the bottom of the page making it all a bit squished in at the bottom of the page. Which too me isn't very good. This its self looks like a “want to be” front cover, as its got a main image, mast head and cover lines and plugs?

The text and text colours are typical rock/ metal colours as supposed “emos” love black and red hair ( well black with red highlights) also all the bands suggest that this magazine is a rock magazine covering rock/ alternate, screamo, metal, emo etc.

The lure on this page is “I have no tolerance for anything right now- Patrick Stump” shows that loyal fall out boy fans will want to know why Patrick is thinking this as he comes across as such a sweet guy and doesn't seem like the guy who would say this. Also how is he is a boxing gown, suggests he wants to be seen as “hard” and not “softie” as fans wouldn’t expect this and its such a contrast between his life in music and in this interview which will in turn make fans want to read and buy it to see a side of Patrick they have never seen before.

How this page is laid out is very grid like and reminds me of cd covers, which is a bit of a comical side I think. As this is a music magazine its good how they are relating their magazine to products which make them in business. The bigger square of Chiodos, still looks like a cd cover but a bigger square. All the features of the magazine are always on the same side and they use the same white and yellow colour scheme which to me seems to be their house style. As in every issue I have brought this has been the same layout I have seen, or I could of missed an issue and it could of been different?

The lure here is Metallica; “ Angels and airwaves? Never heard of them. But Blink 42’s not a bad band....” suggest that this is luring in the readers as their isn't a band called Blink 42, its Blink- 1 8 2. So shows even a respected big 4 band gets things wrong.

All the bands on here feel as if they are all related to Metallica, as Lamb of god, Gojira etc all have the same fans as if you like one you will like the others. Which I think is a bit unfair on fans who like paramore or 3OH!3.

Kerrang! Is covering all the biggest and latest bands which is good as if you don't like any with pictures, then their is something else for you. By having personal quotes from the interview makes the reader able to relate to them and think well in fact its Blink-182 not 42, as creating a sense of knowledge and making the reader in turn feel they are brainer than the famous musician from Metallica.

Rock sounds house style is very basic and keeps to the same style all the time, which is following the codes and conventions of magazines. As all of rock sounds contents pages appear to be the same unless the earlier ones were different and they decided to settle on this style as its a classic black and white. Even Matt is wearing white and black.

The main image is of matt pulling at his lip with his index finger, almost mocking the reader into thinking look at me I'm stupid , but in fact its more of a “ I don't care look”. He looks more like a school boy rather than an adult which is showing his childish side. His tie perfectly fits in with the theme red black and white. Which follows from issue to issue. Which shows a sense of security, as many fans love to see the same things every time they buy an issue as they feel more secure and more able to relate to it than if it changed every issue. Yes this image does change, but the layout is kept the same.

If you try and leave they kill you. So I'm actually quite terrified right now. Looks like someone's stuck the quote deliberately on top of the main image, so it looks messy to match the child like pose matt is pulling. Its almost comical, as he's saying if you leave they kill you and pulls a supposed funny face, has laughing about it?

The layout is quite simple and basic as rock sound and the date are underneath the title which is following the codes and conventions of magazines which is good. Also how the text of what's in the issue is too the left shows they are again following the codes and conventions of magazines.

I know this really isn't a very music magazine but it does mention quite a lot about it, its more focused on photography, as underneath each feature, it says what she's wearing where its from and who took the shoot. But the Layout on this page, I really love as I like how the V is faintly lined on the page and how the girl is laid with her legs in the air making a v shape almost like the playboy symbol. Which is a very different magazine to this one. I Also love how the contents is written differently, giving it that edgy look to it

The theme for this page seems to be the yet again black and white. But how they have laid the page out makes it classy and sophisticated, which is great. But also how they have used a dark skinned model has broken up the white and black look.

I think the lure on this page is the main image of the girl. Its just how she’s laid their with her legs in a V shape looking at the camera is almost like she’s saying “ come get me? “ she does look sexy though in this I have to admit that and its just insisting you to want to look more into the magazine.

I like how they have spilt the articles into two categories: features and fashion, which shows they love to take an interest into fashion, which is more appealing at girls, but with this type of imagery, its trying to target the male audience as well.

The mast head on this page is NME THIS WEEK, makes it stand out a lot more and how they haven't used the word contents page, suggests that they want to be different to other magazines. I do like it though as it does get a bit boring after a while as every magazine says contents, where as here it says this week. Making it different and unique to other ones.

The right hand side, is laid out with news, radar, reviews, live!, features and plus. Making it easy to read what's in this weeks issue quickly with out any fancy fonts or complicated system.

Having a band index makes it unique and different to other magazines as you can look down the index and see who's been mentioned this week and what page they are on making it a lot easier for loyal fans to some bands. As instead of flicking through the whole magazine they can just turn to a pacific page and save time.

“subscribe today and save over £45” makes the reader think wow I could spend that on gig tickets other new things which they need. Also its giving them information on where to go to get the subscription. Also how its saving money makes the reader want to subscribe. Also how its on a black background with yellow and white text. With the moat important text being yellow so it stands out a lot more to the reader.

The main image on this page takes up 1/3 of the page and is the only image on this page drawing attention into the main article on this page also with the main cover line “kasabain got romantic in church” suggests that something to do with love happened in church? And how they have the story underneath makes it seem like a front page, contents and part of a double page spread.

The layout on this page is very grid like making it very bland and cd cover like. As the little boxes which have images, look like cd cover which is relating to why they are in business in the 1st place. Also the bigger image, main image still looks like a cd cover .

Having quotes makes the lure look very good. As Bert McCrecken from the used “my favourite move is the spider wak” makes the reader think what the hell is the spider wak?? And they are likely to read on and see what its about.

Having the mast head at the top of the page follows rules and regulations of magazines . They also, keep the same layout and colours the same in every issue.

Also having the front cover being inside also relates to the fact its explain the front cover. As its saying what’s in the issue . Having the signature as well makes it look more formal and real.

Having the “this week” makes the reader find what they Want and what's in this issue . Which is following the codes and conventions of magazines.

The mast head is at the top of the page which is following the codes and regulations of magazines as its easy to fins and figure out what this page is about. Also having the date NOV05, tells tee reader what date it is and when its out. Which can be good so if they miss an issue they know if they are almost out of date. Also issue number is displayed at the top of the page so you know if you have missed an issue or what issue it is.

The main image is of James blunt and takes up 2/3 of the page which is emphasising the effect of making you want to read on and see why he is being displayed on the contents page. The look and expression on his face makes me think what is he looking at? As his eyes look almost like a blue/ green colour.

Having the features on the left side shows they are different to other magazines as others usually have them on the right side of the page.

“THE LENNON ISSUE” suggests that this is about Lennon, and by having James blunt breaks up the Lennon issue and focus’s on other issues in the magazine

“every month” suggests that this is a monthly magazines and having the same things every month making readers feel a sense of safety and security in expecting some of the magazine to be the same every time they open it up.

“I'm a gardening and a hoovering housewife” – Nicky wire- makes this such a big lure for readers as its obviously a male and saying has a house wife when has not.

The mast head, rock sound, is placed at the top of the page which is in a fun looking font . Which is aimed t the rock genre. “music with attitude” suggests that this is a magazine with a kickass attitude. Which is good as it shows that they don't care what people have to say.

This is an older version on rock sound, so its a different layout to the other ones I had evaluated earlier. Which shows that they have changed and moved on to a more sophisticated language and more caring attitude towards their fans. Almost like they grew up i.e. this is a teenage version of them and the newer editions, are more adult like but still for the teenage market.

The colour scheme here is red and white almost like NME, which follows this. But the layout of the page is very messy like as they have all the pictures on the red side, but they over lap each other with a crack in the corners and has the page numbers over the top of the images so you know where to find the article on your band. Also by having the bands name underneath, but in a relatively small font, can help the reader recognise who the band is with out the name taking up the whole picture.

The fonts on this page are very messy and very gothic like, almost like a teenager has written them. The word 70 and contents are in a very deathly font suggesting that its aimed at the teen market.

The stars at the bottom of the page, make it more child like and I'm not really too pleased with this layout of a contents page. As its more like a scrap book than an official magazine.

The contents is on the left hand side of the page making it easier to read and having the page numbers before the information of the page is different almost back to front like. And having it split into different categories like features and reviews splits the magazine up and easier to read. So if you just wanted to read something quickly then you could just scan the contents and find it a lot quicker.

The main cover line “ Oasis kicked off their world tour” suggests that they want readers to think why did they and will read on. Also having the main image of them in the middle makes the story more realistic and believe able.

NME is in red which makes it stand out a lot more than if it was in black. Makes the reader believe its for NME.

THIS WEEK, is the mast head of this page making it feel more like a magazine page than a contents page which I think is a good thing as it makes it more readable and more interesting for the readers. As saying contents pages, is same old same old. But here its better and different

Having the news, radar, reviews, LIVE!, features and plus shows that every issue is the same and that they are following codes and conventions of magazines and they like to keep it by the rules

Having the band index, on the side with a red background and then having the text high lighted in white, makes the text stand out more than if it was just on a white background.

This Kerrang! Issue is different to the other ones which I have evaluated earlier. Which I think is a good thing. As it shows they have moved on from the grid like page to a more double page spread feel to it. Which I do think is a bigger improvement. As the other layout was too formal, but here its more sophisticated and a more friendly appeal to it.

Main image is of Marilyn Manson, is the main image on this contents page and is sat on a sofa holding lots of what appears to be images, but I'm not sure what they are due to the size of this image. He has quite a scary look on his face, he’s a Goth, and is enticing you in to want to see what the story is about.

By having images of what else is to come in the magazine gives the reader a good idea on what to expect later in the magazine, also they can tell what sort of bands are going to be in there as well.

The layout, KERRANG! This week, is labelled half way across the page which makes you look towards the bottom of the page after looking at the main image and cover line. Otherwise the other information wouldn't be read as much as the other information on the tope half of the page.

Pathetic Communication is used very well here and used a lot better than the other layout that they had before

Subscription is at the bottom right hand corner so its still visible to the reader, but doesn't take up as much room, which is a good thing as if you have subscribed you don't want to keep seeing an advert which doesn't apply to you.

By having the editor write a bit to the magazine makes it feel more friendly almost like they want you to feel safe, comfortable and happy whilst reading KERRANG!. Which is a good thing, as some magazines you can feel a bit lost. But here in this issue there is the editors verdict on this issue. By having her signature, makes it feel more realistic and isn't using fancy words, just the plain old editor saying stuff for the readers.

KERRANG!’s house style is always yellow and black with some white. Which shows they like to keep everything the same and not change anything. Which in turn shows that this is a very reliable magazine and they wont drop any bomb shells in their magazine.

I really love this version of KERRANG! As although its one half of the contents page, it has 2 of my favourite bands on, I really love the layout of this issue, as their are pictures around the outside of the text. Which is something I could think about doing?

Their isn't a main current image here. But two images which do catch your eye are fall out boy and my chemical romance. Which I think is a good thing. As they have thought about which slanting stories to write about here, as its KERRANG! They cover all the rock and metal music bands old or new main stream or under ground, they don't care. Which is an awesome attitude for a music magazine. As music does kick ass when its in the right hands.

King size, suggests that this is a massive issue and not one to be missed by anyone. As they have so many bands squeezed into this issue. Which I think is a goo thing as they have fall out boy, my chemical romance to bring me the horizon. Which shows they are thinking about their fans in this issue as they are a very niche market, but not huge like NME. So they can target all of their fans music tastes in one simple magazine.

By having a white background emphasises all the images and texts as they all mostly have dark backgrounds and against the white, makes them stand out a lot more than if they were to of been on a dark back ground and wouldn't of had the same effect as the white. Which is good , as they have gone out of their house style aka comfort zone and tried something new and to me I think this has worked.

All of the main images suggests that they are al really happy and this is a very happy issue, as yes some are sand and depressed, but they are being portrayed in a way in which they are looking happier, and this is such a large issue than usual. Hence the buzz word “ king size”.

Mast head “drummer” takes up quite a lot of the width which suggest that they want people to know their name and its emphasises the effect. Almost like the sound a drum makes. As its quite loud, they have tried to convey it here in their magazine.

The main image takes up 1/3ish of the page and the buzz word “ exclusive” suggest that this is the only place that you will find this interview on their success in the music business. By being in black and white also suggest that its quite dark and beautiful in a way. As they you have to guess what the colours are and what it looks like in colour. By having the man just sat their playing the drums alone makes him seem alone and tiny compared to the huge drum set. Which in turn makes the mast head have more effect on the magazine.

“features” suggests that their is still more to come in this magazine and shows all the best stories in this issue. Like on page 20, on the up suggest that a band member or a singer has had a crap time and has turned a new leaf and is on the up.

By having the contents on the left makes the main image have more effect on the reader, as your eyes look from the top left to the bottom right. Which makes the image more dominant on the page.

The layout of this page is quite good, but very grid like. But I like and don't like the colour scheme used here. As its white, red and black. Making it feel a bit like Q and NME.

Having the images in different places ion the page makes it more interesting for the reader. As they have to use their eyes to search the page. Rather than having it in one place they have to look around the magazine.

Having the date and contents at the top left hand corner suggest that they like to let the reader know that this is the contents page and the date of the magazine. So in turn you know if you have missed an issue or aren't sure when the next issue is out on sale.

This contents page is different to others that I have analysed and I like it. As the main image takes up the whole page and its the main focus and story line of the magazine I think. By doing this, it has a bigger effect on the reader, as they are thinking why do they have a skateboarder as the main image for the contents page. Also they have to stop for a bit to think and look at why they have placed this image over the whole of the page. As with others like NME and Kerrang! There's are boring compared to this. As I usually just skip past the contents page; but here I have to take time to stop and look at why. Also how the image is composed and placed. I know they are trying to follow the rules of thirds, but here it doesn't matter as the fence is take at an angle with the guy or girl jumping up in the air doing an oli. Also with the clouds suggest that this is a summery magazine making a whole nice feel to it.

Mast head “ contents” makes the reader know that this is the contents page. By having it in a white font, makes the word stand out allot more and makes the image look a lot more sophisticated. By doing this makes it stand out a lot more. As magazines tend to use bold colours, but here its all in back and white and I love it. As its not screaming at you to read on. Its taken a more sophisticated approach to this.

I like how all the information about what's in the issue is at the bottom of the page which isn't taking the distraction away from the main image which is good in my opinion

I think that the lure here is the main image as its almost like the skate border is frozen in time. And it makes you want to read on?

People think I'm an attention seeker but I'm just honest- suggest that Lilly is sick of people judging her for what she does and what she believes in. And she just want to be seen for her self not for anything else. I don't think that she is an attention seeker, just wants fame. Also how it is displayed on the page makes me think that she wants to be seen as a different musician to the rest. As they usually stand there and just smile, where as she is stood leaning forward and with her head to the side giving her a quirky look

Having a white background emphasise the text of “people think...” which makes it stand out a lot more than if the background was red or black. Which I think is a good thing. And it makes Lilly stand out a lot more aswel.

I think having the information about her in the bottom left corner is a good thing as I hate itWhen there is a lot of writing to read I prefer to hear the main information about the story not their life story.

The pull for this is the people think I'm.... which is a good thing as everyone does think she is, when in fact she isn't. She's just another girl trying to make something of her self. Doesn't everyone want to make something of themselves??

I can tell that this is from 2008, or 2009 as this is when the whole long lumber jack shirt style was in fashion. This shows that they are following fashion trends and make Lilly seem like she is a fashion follower, which in turn makes more fans for her.


The main image is of Gerard way, which I think is a good thing to do when I create my magazine as it creates a bigger sense of the story and what's going on. As from the image which takes up a whole one page, you get to understand why they are trying to be the best, and who they are. Which I think is a good thing to do when creating my double page spread. As some have tiny little pictures and a lot of text. But I prefer it when there are larger pictures with a fair amount of texts as its easier to understand what they are on about.

The pull here is “were being the best MCR we can be!” as its making you think how and why are they deciding too now be the best that they can, as maybe they have got sick and tired of all the haters, and want more people or just hate fans to understand them and not hate them as much?? as they did get bottled at reading festival 2007 so maybe they want to change that and have more people like them. There is 5 images here all except 1 of Gerard, the lead singer-front man, of

MCR. Which I think is a good thing to do. As it shows who they are talking about and what he looks like to people who don't know who Gerard way is.

The page layout is basic but following conventions, as they have the name, pictures and lots of puff explaining the main story line. Which I think is a good thing for me to look more into for when I create my own magazine.

The colour scheme here is very easy to distinguish, black, red, white and sepia. Which I think is a good thing to think about as when I have read some magazines, there has been too much on the page for me to be able to focus on what is being said in the article. But here you can clearly see what's been said and about.

The layout of this page is very basic and plain. But I like it, as there isn't too much distracting you from the article. I like how in the background there is the text “use” which suggests that she is from the USA. So if you didn't know who she was then you could clearly clarify that she is from the USA.

Having the flag draped over a box makes her look more in focus and the colour scheme here is clearly red, black and grey and white. Very basic but yet very effective. Which is something I could look into as I don't want it too look to busy. As double page spreads are ment to be looked at not be over loaded with images.

The pull her is “got the love” which makes the reader think, what is she on about and they will in turn read the story.

The layout here is very metal and gothic which suggest that is a metal target audience and I do think that the editor, or who ever created it has done a good job. The main image I think really represents the Murder dolls really well as from the image you can clearly see that they are Goths/ metal lovers

The colour scheme here is black white red and a touch of yellow. I like how they have kept to a simple colour scheme and haven't gone over the top. And they have thought about their target audience as well.

The pull here is the Murder dolls two’s company. I think that this is a good thing to do. As you can catch up on what they have been doing rather than question and answers their giving their own story about everything rather than having someone ask them questions and they reply. This is something that I could think about as I want my magazine article to be different and unique. As I think a lot of double age spreads look the same

The pull here is “ I'm a dangerous girl to date” which is making you think why is she, what has she done in the past to make her think that she is a dangerous girl to date. As I am a huge fan of her and when she brakes up with a guy she's writes a song so maybe this could explain this?

The layout on this double page spread is very teen like, as the pictures are very girly and fun. As Taylor is stood to the side and her dress is flicked to the side, making her look like she doesn't care what the world has to say about her. And having images of her previous relationships is like telling a story of her life. Which is a good thing to do as then the audience/ reader can get a better idea from the article when there are images as well.

Having the “I'm a “ quote on a black ripped background looks like its part of her diary or book. As this is aimed at teenage girls. I don't think

that there is a colour scheme here, as their are to many colours, purple yellow, red and black and white. But it doesn't look too bad. As I have seen worse. But I do like this though

“trail by fire "makes you think what is Oli on about? As a lot of people hate him. So maybe for the quote, has being trialled by fire?? Maybe its a metaphor. He's being trialled by fans ? Or by the haters?

This double page is very dark and metal like, I think its from metal hammer, as the layout of the page and fonts used. As the metal market is very nieche and easy to target.

The layout is very good and different as they usually tend to have the A4 sized image on the left side rather than the right side. I like how he is on the left side with his hand placed over his face making it look like has shielding him self from the “fire”? And I like how you can only see one eye which is emphasising the quotes on the page. I like how you can see his tattoos which makes him look lie he is wearing a top maybe?? Or has exposing him self so its all him and nothing else?

This is very guy like. As the metal genre is very male dominated, but I do like it though as they have used fire on the quote fire and all the colours follow each other as there are oranges, reds, and black which I think works really well.

The colour scheme here is very gold, silver and white. Making it feel very chavy and RnB like. As they tend to go for this look. I am not going to do something like this as I am going down the metal genre.

How the black eyed peas are displayed is every good, as they have faded everyone out except for Which is suggesting he is the main focus here. Which is a good thing to do as if they had forgive as the main focus then the article wouldn't make much sense.

Will he Wont he? Makes you think omg what are they on about, will he leave? Wont he leave? It could be anything. And makes people want to read on and find out what they are on about As he is a big focus in this group. But its good as usually forgive is the main focus so its good for another band member to have some fame spot light on them.

This looks very clean and fresh looking. As the layout is basic but I like it basic as then you are more focused on the article rather than the images or quotes.

I really like the layout here as there is more image than text, which is something I could think about doing. As I don't want there to be a lot of text or images I want a combination of the both. As I like how there is a quote over the middle of the page saying school of hard knocks which is suggesting this is from when they 1st made it from their 2nd CD “ three cheers for sweet revenge” as the uniform is from their music video “I'm not okay I promise” Which is an amazing song.

The colour scheme here is very autumn like with warm colours and dark colours put together which I think is s good thing to do. Having the text on a white background is making mcr’s picture look like a photo from school with blood on ripped out and stuck on top of the text.

Their is a lot of red used on this page, which is making them match the quote, outcasts more. As they do come across as that but really they aren't. They are nice people

Having the text small and to the right is different . But still following conventions. So its something that I could look into?

I love this double page spread. As paramore, take up all of the two A4 pages . Which I think is a good thing to do . As usually they take up one page or tiny bits of the page. But here they have them taking up 100% of the page. I like how they have paramore in a cool tiger like font side ways going up the side of the man. Creating a side ways look on them. Having Haley in colour and the rest of them in black and white, emphasises that she is the main focus of the group and here in the article .

I can tell that this is from their 2nd album riot, which made them famous. As she is wearing a riot top. Her hair is very experimental and I can tell she was very young her.

The pull here is paramore and the image of Haley Williams. As she is the main focus and her hair is always a different colour shape or just weird. Which makes her different to other artists. Which is what I love about her

The colour scheme here is very punky and sceney colours. As there is yellow, orange, white , blue black and white. Which is a good thing to do as it does sound like a lot to have on a page but really there isn't much writing. But you get the jist of what is going on.

I love avenged sevenfold and had to have them in here. As they were on tour in 2008 and have just done another tour, well currently touring 2010-2011.

This is a gig review, but still good to learn from. As there are more images than text I think its a good thing to do as some times pictures say more than words. As when this tour was on, the rev was with them, but he sadly passed away 28.12.09 which is sad. But they have moved on.

I like how they have image of Mshadows taking up 1/3 of the page and it gives you a greater sense of what is going on at the gig and making you wish that you had gone to see them live when they were touring.

All of the images just sum up the gig on a whole. As I don't think there even needs to be text just images. Which is something that I could create. I like how they have a m shadows commenting how he fount the show and he obviously enjoyed it.

The layout, is great. As the images aren't 100% straight so that something for me to look into as they look more interesting and fun to look at.

I got a few people form my class to answer my survey of music magazines for me ( here is the actual document)

pop; 3rock; 1

country; 3

indie; 4

dub step; 3

R'n'B ; 2alter-nate; 1

drum and bass ; 1

Question 1 Results

All the time- ; 4

Couple of times a day- ; 8

Once a day; 2



High street10%

Charity shops9%

Where do you get your music from


Metal hammer 8%


Q magazine 25%

What music magazines do you buy?

Every week15%

Once a month 46%

Never 38%

How often do you buy these magazines?


Fave bands 41%




Loyal fan 24%

What attracts you to these magazines

yes 25%

no 75%

do you check magazines regularly






What websites do you like to go on

All the time44%

Once a day 11%

Couple times a week 22%

Once a week 22%

How often do you go on these websites

The results of audience research which have been analysed and reflected on.

From my audience research I have learnt that the people I asked my questionnaire for weren't what I was looking for. I knew this before I asked them as we completed this in lesson time so I knew I wouldn't get the results that I needed. But some of them I can use like mp3 downloads and what shops they like to go to etc. Which can give me an idea on what they like to do. I am hoping to redo this at one point so that I can get the correct results. Rather than using these with no relevance to my target audience. Next time to improve this I am going to ask my friends and have more relevant questions i.e. what do you like most in a magazine? What do you like to see i.e. free gift, music etc. So that then its more relevant to music not to online stuff. I could have the next one on my blog so then it can be interactive and I could incorporate two media texts into this then. I could also go to gigs and get some people to answer my questions as then I have gone out to a wider audience and have thought about my target audience more and will have more reliable data than the stuff I have now. I could create a quiz/ what group are you i.e. what's your tribe as then this could be more accurate as people have to answer rather than tick other as people have to think more when answering this.

Whats your tribe

• This is an online questionnaire which you can complete free of charge too see what genre you are i.e. scene kid, metal head, townie etc.. In the next following slides I have provided the questionnaire questions so you can get an idea on what it will ask you.

• This is the opening page and is just explaining what its about and what you have to do to find out what “tribe” you are apart of.

This is just finding out just basic information about you. But they don't keep the information( you can even lie )

This is question 2 and quite a vital one, as it determines what type of music you listen to, sometimes you will find you cant find one which relates to you, so just click on one which is the closest to describing you.

Here you just have to find which one relates to you the most as I found that I have stuff in my bag from all 4 I chose the 3rd one along as it relates to me the most.

I fount this one had nothing to do with me but I've always wanted to go to download and it relates too me more than the other two.

Again here you don't have to say where you accurately live. But it determines the number of teen groups and your final answer on where you live.

Here you could click on all of them if they relate to you.

Here it is just trying to find out what you do regularly i.e. if you go shopping, skate bored or go to chess club etc .

This should be easy for many people, but it is forgetting if people don't regularly go online, but they could click on “not a lot”?

This one was quite hard for me as I loved so many of the websites available. I think you should be able to pick 4 or 5.

Again, here, you have to pick three TV channels which you regularly watch, this was so hard as I'm a bit too into watching all sorts of TV from all channels.

I have far to many, and was sad that most of them weren’t on there but there are many on here. But some that other people liked weren't on here either their should of been more options in order for them to get the perfect result.

One magazine which I love to read metal hammer wasn't on here which I was annoyed by, but happy kerrang! And some other ones were on here though.

This one was quite easy as I only like radio 1 smash hits kerrang!, kiss and capital FM.

Personally I don't really read newspapers, only if my mum was to buy them.

This is just explaining what its expecting you too do on the next following pages i.e. what food you like and cake is shown you can leave it, click love or hate.

This is some of the top shops which teenagers shop at. Some might not like any of these but hopefully some will like a few of them.

All you have too do here is click on the icons which you love and like to drink or what you hate.

I didn't like any of these apart from Bulmer's.

I do think that these drink questions are a bit unfair if someone doesn't drink or they cant cause of their religion? But I prefer this page to the previous one. As I love nearly all of them.

Thankfully I don't take any. But for those that do can click on ones that they are currently or previously taken.

Here you have to click on who you support, I personally don't like any of them.

This is the last thing that you have to do and the next page will determine which group you belong too.

This is the results that came up for me, I've taken this 5 times and every time is the same. Which is so true about me. But I highly doubt that anyone else in my class has achieved this.

The personal learning and reflection

reflection on what you have learnt from your front cover analysis and how you can use this knowledge for your own front cover

From my analyse of music magazines I have learnt a lot like with front covers, I now know that they must always have eye contact as it can easily address with the reader quicker and make them feel like its aimed at them when its on the shelf in the shops. Also I have learnt that there doesn't need to be too much information on the front cover just basic information. As there isn't then so much screaming at the reader. As if its simple but to basic readers will be more likely to pick it up. As I don't like it when magazines are over loaded with information it takes the attention away from the main cover line. I am hoping to create a good front cover with information one but not much as I don't want the focus taken away from the main cover like. They also have the latest bands and bands which have made a come back. The mast head generally always goes behind the main image of the artists, but some do go in front of the main image. I am thinking of having my mast head in front of the main image as I think that this looks a lot better than having it behind as then you don't know what the name is until you look inside the magazine maybe? Also the images have to be strong and professional looking so that they are believe able enough so it does look like a real magazine and not a fake made up one?. Fonts also have to be readable and not too over the top. I am going to hopefully use a gothic bold like font. As this isn't to hard to read and easy enough to use.

Reflection on what you have learnt from your contents page analysis and how you can use this

knowledge for your own contents pageFrom analysing contents pages I have learnt from good and bad examples as kerrang!’s old layout I don't like its too grid like. But I love their new layout and that is one that I am going to follow for when I create my contents page. I do think that this is one of the hardest ones to create as you have to think which information to put on there and how to display it. I really like V and rock sounds contents pages as they look more like front covers. I have also learnt that you don't have to use people either. But I want to. On some contents pages there are notes from the editor. But I want to follow this convention as it feels like the editor is more talking to you rather than to everyone else. Positives from this is that they look good and are an easy way to find where everywhere things are in the magazine. Its almost like its there to help you to find where the latest cd is or something like that. A bad example is having to much on the front cover. As some can have too much information on and I do feel like I don't know where to look or what to 1st look at. So I am hoping to create a simple but yet great contents page. I know I will struggle to get it right but over time I am hoping to get it right.

what you have learnt from your audience research questionnaire and find your tribe

From my audience research and fid your tribe I have learnt that there are so many, groups of teenagers and its theoretically impossible to target all of them. As if you had a girly girl and a Goth put together in the same magazine then it will most likely wont make any sales. But of you create two separate magazines then you will make more sales than the 1 magazine. Also I know that I want to create a metal magazine for my media work as in fid your tribe I got a Mosher. Which is what I am its amazing to do at gigs. So I can use my own experiences in the magazine like making up band names and creating fabulous story lines. I do think that find your tribe is a good way to find out what you are. But some of my friends got different ones to what they are. So its not 100% correct. But nothing is. But even if I did a metal magazine I wont be able to target everyone in the nieche market as there are some bands that people love and others people hate. Which is just plain normal so I am going to use peoples ideas and old double page spreads for my ideas to create my magazines

• By Amber Roberts