Report on Vietnam World Bank Public Information Conner in 2011




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World Bank Vietnam Public Information Center

Vietnam PICs activity report & plan for next period

Can Tho, May 2011

Prepared by

Vietnam PICs activity report & plan for next period

• What have been done?

• What are the difficulties, challenges?

• What are the opportunities?

• Suggestions and plan for next period

World Bank Vietnam Public Information Center

Thai Nguyen: TNU LRC Hanoi: VDIC Hai Phong: Hai Phong City General Science Library Hue: Hue Uni LRC Hue Provincial Library Da Nang: Danang General Sciences Library HCMC: Ho Chi Minh City General Sciences Library Can Tho: Can Tho City Library Can Tho Uni LRC

World Bank Vietnam Public Information Center


To assist WB Vietnam for

more effective and

proactive dissemination

of publications and



What are the most interesting/successful activities?

• Free training session on info searching skills

• Workshop to introduce WB’s info resource

• Mobile library services

• Business library services

What are the most interesting/successful activities?

• Diversifying marketing activities:

– Posters, flyers to promote WB’s info resource

– Book exhibition

– Photography competition…

– Distribution of free materials…

– Email, Worth of Mouth

• Using social media tools for library works

Free training session on information searching skills

Free training session on information searching skills

Workshop on how to access WB’s info, data

Seminar “Gender issues and equality”

Seminar “Gender issues and equality”

World Bank Vietnam Public Information Center THƯ VIỆN KHTH TP.HCM 12

Mobile library

Mobile library service

World Bank Vietnam Public Information Center

Mobile library service

World Bank Vietnam Public Information Center THƯ VIỆN KHTH TP.HCM 15

Business library

World Bank Vietnam Public Information Center

Bring books to children in surban area

World Bank Vietnam Public Information Center

Posters/flyers to introduce WB’s info resource

Posters/flyers to introduce WB’s info resource Company Logo

Distribution free printed materials


Photography competition about “The beauty of traditional work in Hue”


Photography competition about “The beauty of traditional work in Hue”

Company Logo

Using social media to expand network Company Logo

Earth day – 22April 2011 Photos exhibition and free book distribution

Using social media for project report

Using medial social for Center’s introduction

Using social medial for project management

What are the difficulties/ challenges?

• Limited budget

• Lack of IT, English skilled staff

• WB’s data and information resources too technical

• PIC’s users prefer Vietnamese documents

• Lack of suitable equipments (PCs, laptops, projectors…)

What are the opportunities?

• Numbers of users at PIC has been growing up steadily

• The development of ICT has provide more free IT tool to improve library works

• Numbers of Vietnamese who are familiar and using ICT has been increasing gradually: 27.1% of the population use internet as of June 2010

What’s next?

• More workshop, training to introduce WB’s new policy

on access to information, its valuable data,


• Client survey to better understand their needs

• Continue using social media to promote library works

• Maintaining and maximizing the outcome of marketing


• Improving mobile library services

• Diversifying activities, provide more innovative services to

better serve users’ information demands

• Organizing outreach events (photo contest, English festival…)

to attract more new users

• Bringing “green library program” to Children's hospitals

What’s next?

Proposals to WB

• Provide more hands-on training in IT, English for librarians

• More opportunities for PICs network to lean and share

• Increase the annual budget allocated for outreach activities

• Support PICs to improve their ICT facilities

• Organize Vietnam Innovation Day (VID) program for innovative ideas to support library works

World Bank Vietnam Public Information Center

Thank you very much for your attention !
