Recipe for becoming a successful chef


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Recipe For Becoming A Successful Chef.

Part I:Ingredients

Passion.Passion is the salt of your culinary career. If the smell of fresh cut vegetables and the sound of tossing spices into fire excites you, you have what it takes to become a Chef.

Technique.Without understanding the

basic functions of food science and cooking, passion

would only get wasted. It is important for aspiring chefs to

have an intimate knowledge of all cooking functions such

as baking, freezing, chopping and everything in between. Technique is irreplaceable.

Flavor.Everyone has a built-in sense of basic flavors such as sweet, salty or sour. But a chef needs a further and more nuanced sense of different flavors and the range of sub-flavors their combinations produce!


Making good food is only the first half. A well-presented food pampers not just the sense of taste, but sight as well! The food industry is

increasingly giving importance to creative

display of cuisines and a Chef must have the skill of

developing his own style of aesthetics with different

recipes he serves.

Sourcing.Sourcing is an art that is often missed in the culinary journey. The ability to pick the right spices, vegetables and other accompaniments from the market place that are fresh and right in their synergy with rest of the ingredients is paramount to a Chef's career.

Part II: The Recipe

Training.However endowed with the skills mentioned above, one still needs a formal training where nuanced aspects of Culinary management are taught in a setting that is

competitive and nourishing. The experience of senior

Chefs and other professionals from the

industry adds great insight to the aspirant.

Education.There are excellent institutions that offer such training such as AIMS that offer world-class education in niche area of Italian cuisine in partnership with renowned international colleges.

Part III:Serving

Team work and Leadership.

Being a good Chef goes beyond being a good cook. A good Chef has to learn the art of

leading an entire team of cooks towards his idea of a good recipe. He also needs to have

the skill required to work in a team, take suggestions and delegate tasks.

Business Skills.Food is an industry, and without business acumen and keen sense of monetary understanding the Chef will fail to undertake a holistic control of his processes. Whether one chooses to work for a restaurant chain, or start one of his own, the business skills required are equally valuable at both places.

Creativity.Everyone wants something new. Successful chefs take ideas and inspiration from a variety of sources to come up with fresh recipes. They innovate with their style and content to keep their customers excited and fulfilled.

If all the steps above are followed in the right balance, there you go!

Ready to be a great Chef.
