Reading Session 2 Explain and How questions


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Mrs Smith’s Exam Preparation Hub

The Presentational Devices:



This is the style of the text you find the extract you are given.

Look at the following font styles and comment on the effect they have on the words.

A Striking Story

A Striking Story

A Striking Story

A Striking Story

The Presentational Devices:



This is the way the elements of the extract you are given are laid out on the page.

Look at the following altered layouts and comment on the effect the changes have on the meaning of the image/text.




The Presentational Devices:

FontLayoutImageColour SymbolComposition


The image presented in the extract will add meaning to the text.

What images could have replaced those used in the Nuclear Power article to reduce its fear-inducing impact?

The Presentational Devices:

FontLayoutImageColour SymbolComposition


Colour is rich with association.

For each of the following colours quickly write down 5-10 relevant associations.







The Presentational Devices:

FontLayoutImageColour SymbolComposition


Symbols are images or icons that represent a larger idea.

For each of the following symbols, name the linked idea.

‘How’ questions require more detailed explanations and will take you longer than A1.

It is still crucial to highlight KEY WORDS in the question and USE THEM IN YOUR ANSWER to prove to yourself and the examiner that you are doing what is asked.

Try this sample question: How does the website brochure persuade the reader that a Centre Parcs holiday is good for both parents and children? 10 marks

Example of part of an answer.

The brochure shows a photo of adults and children horse riding together as well as photos of children and adults doing activities on their own. This persuades readers that Center Parcs holidays are good for both parents and children because it suggests that families can enjoy time together doing activities as a family but can also enjoy a range of activities independently.

This would score 2 marks because it states the evidence and explains how the photos are persuasive. You would need to find 4 more examples to score 10 marks.

Now practice this question.

Sample Question: look at the International Wildlife Adventures brochure.

How does the company try to tempt the reader to go on one of its holidays?

You should comment on:What the company says about itselfWhat he company says about the holidayWords and phrases used in the textPictures and layout

10 marks
