Reading comprehension ppt for website


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Reading comprehension


Acknowledgements• Almasi and Fullerton 2012 Teaching Strategic Processes in Reading• Kucan and Beck 1997 Thinking Aloud and reading comprehension research,

inquiry, instruction and social interaction. Review of educational research, 67 (3) 271-299

• Ellin Keene and Susan Zimmerman 2007 Mosaic of Thought Heineman• Cris Tovani 2000 I read but I Don’t Get It Stenhouse• Yuill and Oakhill 2009 Children’s Problems in Text Comprehension

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Four key aspects of reading• Word recognition

• Reading fluency

• Using strategies when reading texts

• Reading comprehension and enjoyment

Fluency and reading comprehension..• Even if we read accurately, we will have problems beyond the early

years if we fail to read in phrases so that reading sounds like talking.• Word by word reading often means the start of a sentence can’t be

integrated with the end.• Some pupils read too quickly so that comprehension suffers

In many pupils’ minds, decoding seems to have a much bigger profile than comprehension.• Many pupils (especially younger and poorer older readers) think that

decoding rather than comprehension is the main point of reading.• A range of studies indicate that around 10-15 % of pupils who decode

adequately experience comprehension problems when reading texts.• They often emerge around the age of 8 when language demands

begin to become significant.

• So we need to ensure a balance in the teaching of reading

Implications of poor comprehension• Inclined to be less motivated readers so read less and therefore have

weaker vocabulary and text knowledge.• Listening comprehension likely to be weak.• Attainment in tests at 11 and 16 lower because effective reading is

denied.• A severe obstacle to educational attainment.• Invariably shows in writing.

Reading is an action sport. The action takes place in our minds.When we read its not enough to read the words correctly (decode). As we read the words, the meaning does not automatically jump into our heads!! We have to read the words and build meaning, a bit like constructing a model.

Part 6 - KS2 8

Strategies to help us understand and enjoy reading, as we read we ……..


book to self

book to world knowledge

book to book

Use our background knowledge and connect to text

I think I’ve broken down

I’ve broken down but I have a plan to fix it





Notice breakdown…

and repair itWatch out for VIP words/ phrases/ideas

…and put together to build GIST

I:LEARNSUP\1STANDARDS\Inf Manual 2015 \Part 8



I wonder

Predict, ask questions, I wonder…and read on to find out...

reading comp strategies KS2 9

1 Good readers use their background knowledge to connect with what they read.

• book to self (own experience)

• book to world knowledge

• book to book

Background knowledge ON

reading comp strategies KS2 10

The first part of Skellig starts off mysteriously.. he finds a “thing” in a

dark place.. a bit like Stig of the dump

When I’m reading about animals in danger, I try to keep what I know about this topic in my mind .It helps me make

connections between the book and what I know and I enjoy it better

Book to world

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Book to book

The girl in this story wants to change her name. I’d like

to change mine because people say it’s funny. I

understand how she feels

Book to self


2 As they read, good readers make predictions, ask questions ( and watch out for answers) ..and sometimes go… “I wonder if…”

Often as we read, thoughts pop into our mind. A plot starts and we might predict what is going to happen next. A character does something and we ask ourselves a question. Maybe our question is answered later on. Even a title in a newspaper may make us ask questions or go… “I wonder...”



I wonder

12reading comp strategies KS2

I wonder where he found it?

How did he feel during those 2 weeks knowing he had won but couldn’t claim

I bet it was in a pocket in the washing basket?!

Man claims lottery win 2 weeks late after finally finding his ticket!

reading comp strategies KS2 13

As we read, we ask questions, make predictions and watch out if we are right or whether we have to change our views….



I wonder

reading comp strategies KS2 14

3 As they read, good readers visualise (make mind pictures) about some of the things that happen

• Often as we read, a picture will sometimes just pop into our mind by itself. .. we may see a “picture” of a character, or a “place”.

reading comp strategies KS2 15

4 Good readers identify what is really important …key words… phrases… sentences… ideas

• If you Google the word sport, you will get 3 million sites! So as we read, trying to sort out what is important and what is not is… well it’s important!

• As we read we come across… words… phrases… sentences… or ideas. Not everything in a book has equal value. We have to puzzle out what are the key words and pay special attention to them

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reading comp strategies KS2 16

5 Think like a detective… use inference

• Authors do not provide all the information you need to understand what’s happening. If they did books would be long and boring. So you have to be a detective. Authors leave clues!

reading comp strategies KS2 17

The writer leaves us clues to find so try your detective skills….

1 At first I wasn’t afraid of the humming noise..2 The surprise letter arrived for James, covered with strange stamps3 When friends came round Dilip was careful to hide the book under his pillow4 At the end of the day, Jack shuffled towards the hostel5 The playground was a sea of strange faces6 Just as Jade thought things could not get any worse..

reading comp strategies KS2 18

6 As they read, good readers check things make sense and notice when they have an understanding “breakdown”

• It’s easy to tell when you have a breakdown in a car….it stops!!

reading comp strategies KS2 19

How do I know when I don’t understand?!!!!!!!!!

1 There is a word I don’t understandHere is an isoceles triangle 2 I'm struggling with the “book language “

3 I have no pictures in my head

4 I am daydreaming .. I’m thinking about something else!


Now is the winter

of our discontent


reading comp strategies KS2 20

5 I’ve stopped asking questions or predicting6 I've not got a summary (gist)of what I've just read

7 This bit I've just read doesn’t connect with the last part??? OR This part contradicts what I've just read

8 I’ve stopped thinking like a detective



reading comp strategies KS2 21

As they read, good readers check things make sense and notice when they have an meaning “breakdown”

• Good readers don’t just carry on when something doesn’t make sense!!!

reading comp strategies KS2 22

7 Good readers have breakdown strategies to get them understanding again

Here’s 4 things you could try when things don’t’ make sense.

I have a plan to fix the breakdown

Inf Train Folder part 3

Good readers spot meaning breakdown and try to fix it

1. Go back 2 or 3 sentences and re- read and collect clues from the words around. Try to connect the hard part to the bit that came before. Use background knowledge and think like a detective.

2. Make pictures in your mind and re- read the hard bit. Your mind pictures may make things clear.

3. Look at the key words in the sentence to help you understand. The key words will be packed with meaning.


Here’s 4 things to try…


4 If you don’t know what a word means, think what do I know about this word?Eg multitude

The Green Goblin tried a multitude of ways to kill Spiderman

Multitude ??? multi packs means lots of?? So the Green Goblin tried lots of ways to kill Spiderman??

reading comp strategies KS2 25

8 As they read, effective readers spot important parts and connect them together to build meaning (gist)

reading comp strategies KS2 26

If the book is well matched you will…..

• Be able to read new words no-one has ever taught you before …. because there will be clues in the sentence to work out hard words and you will be able to use words you know to work out any new ones…. the level is just right!

• Learn the meanings of new words…. and expand your vocabulary.… because you will get clues from the sentence about what the unusual words mean… if the level is just right for you, there won’t be too many words you have to work out what they mean

• Enjoy reading….. because it’s something you are interested in and the level is just right… you will probably read most days

reading comp strategies KS2 27

When you are choosing a book, check it’s one you will enjoy and feel successful reading

• Is it the correct book band colour ?• Read the blurb… does it seem a book you would enjoy?• Try reading the first paragraph…can you read about 19 out of

20 words… or 38 out of 40 words?• Read the first page or first few pages…. can you understand

what’s going on? Does it seem like a book you’d enjoy?• Has a friend read this book? Do your class have a list of

recommended books and is it on the list?• If your school has multiple copies of books, why not read the

same one as some of your friends?! You could make your own book club!

• If you are reading a book you don’t enjoy, talk to your teacher!
