Question 6


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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?


During the course of creating my final product I have learnt about several technologies and how to use them properly. We were using the camera

‘Cannon Legria HD’. Through the course of making our film and since the start this has been one of the most important pieces of equipment, without it we would have no footage. So learning to use this properly is clearly something our whole group would have to do. I have learnt how to connect the camera to a tripod, record, import and export from the built in memory and the memory card inside. I have learnt also how to position the camera to make sure the shot in focus has enough lighting so the picture doesn’t come out grainy.

Corel Studio X3 Pro

Over the course of creating all the film drafts of our film, I have learned that Corel Studio is the base of our film, without it our film would be some terrible overly long piece of rubbish. I have taught myself how to use this programme effectively and make our film look a lot better. I have learned how to add filters, cut clips, increase and decrease the volume of each individual clip



ON 6