Question 2- Jim


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How does your media product represent

particular social groups?Jimmy Carroll

Our media film looks at social groups based on young adults; we have the idea of male best mates and a boyfriend and girlfriend. We felt this

would appeal to our target audience and it worked well because the actors and actresses are of a similar age.

From our research we discovered that the thriller genre was also one of the most popular with this particular age group and so using social

groups that relate to them would encourage them to watch our film.

Social groupsMale Best Mates

It is common for both teenage boys and girls to have their close friends of their own sex. The stereotype is that they will do anything for each other, and always have a deep respect. For boys there are lines that should never be crossed one being stealing another’s girlfriend.


When being in a relationship there is a bond between the two, and that bond should keep them together, not going off to another person of the opposite sex.

Crossing The Line!Being best mates with someone and taking there girlfriend is out of order, as this is breaking for what boys commonly known as the boy code.
