Quality Assurance & Interventions to Raise Standards



This article is a collection of quick tips for a middle manager considering strategies to raise achievement. It could be useful preparation for an interview too!

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Quality Assurance & Interventions To Raise Standards

This is a list of suggestions that could be employed at middle leadership level to raise standards and keep a check on standards. It might be useful for preparation for an interview too!


Identify which students fall into the ‘at-risk’ category. Name them and display them in appropriate areas where colleagues will be impressed by the individual young person rather than just a name.Meet with the department / colleagues and discuss the students one by one.Decide on intervention strategies.If appropriate, take them off timetable to undergo a ‘crash course’ in the precise areas identified as crucial to their success.Provide after-school opportunities for revision of targeted areas of the course.Negotiate curriculum change for high-risk students.Ensure the pupil premium-funded support achieves maximum impact for the department.


Raise the profile of the subject in assemblies.Provide rewards for achievements and praise pupils at every opportunity for success.Communicate achievements to the parents using postcards or other practical strategies.


Write to parents. Meet with parents. Open up the opportunities for communication.Provide a Parents’ Information Evening to inform parent about strategies for success and equip them with the information to apply their skills to support their child at home.Create powerpoint summaries to be located on the school website.Negotiate curriculum change for high-risk students.


Work with the head/s of year to gain targeted pastoral support.Develop links with a consultant for the subject (if they still exist) and request an honest appraisal of strengths and areas for development informed by current best practice. Ensure teacher-pupil relationships are excellent.Collaborate with other subjects to learn from and share good practice.Support colleagues with difficult classes.Apply for, and train an HLTA to assist the department in making interventions.Ensure schemes of learning are regularly revised to provide the knowledge and skills for students to succeed.Ensure performance management is linked to appropriate pupil progress targets. Mentor and support colleagues for success.

Self-evaluate accurately.Write an action plan with colleagues to address issues and provide interventions. RAG (Red Amber Green) the action plan at regular intervals.Celebrate success at every opportunity.
