Qr code mania ppt


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  1. 1. How to use technology to maximise -use of time in the classroom -promote active student participation - share and reflect on learning SCAN ME! QR Codes Teacher Workshop Richard Brummer 03/23/15
  2. 2. Try the QR Codes on your table! Where do you end up? Need quick reminder? Watch this video!
  3. 3. Where do you end up? QR Code Mania!
  4. 4. How do I make a QR Code? Use your LAPTOP for this one Well. almost
  5. 5. http://www.qrstuff.com/
  6. 6. So how can we use QR Codes in the Classroom?
  7. 7. How about a QR code for a regular website students use which they ALWAYS mistype?
  8. 8. Start simple!
  9. 9. The real power in QR Codes in schools is the ability to SHARE work, such as movies, that they have created The work and learning lives on!
  10. 10. QR Code Book Trailers
  11. 11. Use your LAPTOP for this one http://www.classtools.net/QR/
  12. 12. Recording and uploading a movie to YouTube Using an iPad
  13. 13. Now its on YOUR YouTube Account ON the internet You can make a QR Code for it.!
  14. 14. Socrative Sharing student thoughts simultaneously AND virtually How could you use SOMETHING from this workshop in your classroom? Any questions/comments?
  15. 15. http://b.socrative.com/login/student/ Use your LAPTOP for this one ROOM: f1f1e798
  16. 16. Creating a QR Code of your uploaded movie on YouTube using your LAPTOP
  17. 17. Lets see how much you remember Its time for. Lets PLAY prizes for the top 5 contestants!!