Q3 - Mazlum Topcu


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Question 3How did you use media technologies in the construction

and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Social NetworkingTwitter

This is our artists Twitter account - @AndyTravis11. One of our main reasons behind creating a Twitter was in order to be able to interact with out audience. Through this account we were able to send a tweet at any time during the day updating our fans , not only our fans but we were also updating our teachers and letting them know where we were throughout our filming, this was really useful as in order to not lose filming time we met up directly at our location chosen instead of travelling to college and back to our location, we decided to email our teacher and save time like this.

This is a few examples of our tweets, as We want our artist to have a respectable fan base we try keep our tweets very professional for instant make sure spelling is not colloquial and spelt properly. We also use ‘#’ to engage with the wider audience through one of Twitters perks.

InstagramThis is our Instagram account – CANDI_GROUP_11.This is another form of social media however in a unique way, this is a account where you can uploadonly pictures and very short clips also, as Twitter nowis not the most conventional social media to update a fan base I thought the use of Instagram would be really effective.

We have always been posting pictures whilst theproduction was going on of our music video, using Instagram was a way to also interact with the but also show them snippets of our video to keepthem engaged with our video and build up anticipation.


This is one of the most import useOf social networking, blogger has played a big role with my A2 media,it has helped me stay on track andmonitor myself from which stage Icurrently am at for instance the production stage of my ancillary,it has helped me show a progress of my ancillary throughout all of thedifferent drafts.

Blogger has been a vital technology for my work, it has helped me with the planning of the video and ancillarywork.


This is our YouTube account – AndyTravis11. We have createdthis account in order to keep our fans and teachers updatedwith the work we have produced. We have also tried to keep our fans interested and amused by uploading thingssuch as bloopers and test shots. This meant that our audience constantly had something to keep them interestedin as the music video had taken a while to complete therefore,we tried satisfying the needs of our audience.

GIFS | Slideshare | Prezi

These are the majority of the different ICT technologies that I have used within this mediacoursework. GIFS have been used throughout my blog, this was a great method to use numerous pictures on one page without making my blog look very dull

[Example of GIF – Slideshow must be played to view]

Slideshare was a great way to make a use of one ICT technology (usually PowerPoint) more interestingto the viewers as it did make it more sophisticated also, it would be harder to embed a PowerPointto my blog therefore the use of Slideshare has helped me embedding it easily to my blog.

Prezi has many perks, one of which Is how easy it is used, it is a similar technology to PowerPoint however, it has many different templates to use which look very unique and could portray your work in a different view. Prezi has helped me keep my work organised and not to always use one type of ICT technology, it has enabled me to engage my work with other methods to make my blogmore interesting.

ICT Technologies

Photoshop | Camtasia | Final Cut Pro

Photoshop has had a really big impact on my blog this year, although I did not use it too muchduring my AS year, throughout the ancillary work we had to use Photoshop and learn it if we were beginners, it was easy to get a hang of and I believe this program has enabled myselfand many others to obtain a professional look to their ancillary.

Although Camtasia is a fantastic program there have been a difficulties I have face for instance my video footages becoming corrupt however, this problem was overcame with a big ofunderstanding of the program. It is a great way to experiment and explore your ideas in differentways.

One of the most used and most important program was Final Cut Pro. This could be a very difficult program to get your head across but, by practicing you become better, this has helpedus to mainly produce our rough cut, bloopers, test shot editing and final music video. This is a very simple but effective program for editing, there are methods such as categorizing our footage which saved a lot of time.

Notes [app on iPhone] | PosterOnMyWall [online app] |website from webeden.co.uk | TimeToast

Notes from iPhone was just a funky way to add text to my blog rather thankeeping it the same text as normal and make it boring so, I thought this wouldadd a bit of funkiness to my blog.

PosterOnMyWall.com was a great way to examine my work or somebody else's work.I was able to upload pictures and fonts to a poster and make it look uniqueand cool. This was a great method throughout my blog to analyse work for instant other student ancillary work.

Webeden.co.uk was amazing website creator, I created a website for our artist, this website was spectacular as I could edit it at any point I wanted.This meant that I could always update our fans and my teacher of where weare and when the video could be out. I constantly updated my website in orderfor it not to be outdated but this website was a great way to keep our artist relevant.

TimeToast was only used once throughout my blog however, I believe ithas had a huge impact on my blog as we were very organised and followedthe structure of our timeline to completing our video and successfully did on time predicted.

Video UseCannon Camera, Flipcam, iPhone, iPad, Speaker

These were the main uses during our planning and production stages.We decided to use a Cannon camera rather than the college JVC ones due to the reason that it was better quality as it could hold better lenses. As oneof our group members owned one it was beneficial for us if we used it. This camera also included things such as memory cards in order for us to be ableto directly insert it into our computers to transfer the footage.

A Flipcam was used to have a progress report everyday we went out to film,I thought this would be a good idea to track our progress and look back at to see where we could improve on next time we go out to film.

A speaker was used to allow our artist to be able to hear the song lyrics butalso the chords of the guitar as we made sure that the guitar in the videoand sound both matched.

My iPhone, iPad and iMac was all used throughout the whole process as I constantly blogged about our planning, production and evaluation stages also, as all of the products were apple this made it easy to AirDrop it to each other via Wi-Fi which is very handy.


Instead of the JVC as stated at a earlier slide we used the Cannon, This was very helpful with the production stage, it was very simple and efficient to use as we got brilliant output in the end of our filming, During our planning stage we also were able to decide which type of lenses we could use for the different shots for example wider lenses for landscape shots and more focused lenses for close ups on things such as the guitars.

The flip cam had also been really helpful with the production and planning stage as we recorded our audience feedback on our pitch and rough cut therefore, we were able to go back and watch the video and see what our audience would want and adjust our video during the production stage of our music video.

There were many benefits of using different types of technologies. Firstly, using a professional software (mac) was very handy as it is very simple to learn and very efficient as it rarely ever freezes leading to your work getting deleted or corrupted. The use of Apple (iPad, iPhone and iMac) had been really time efficient as I could airdrop my files or send them to my email and collect it from another device this was a quick procedure and helped a lot of time, I could also share work with my classmates for example a picture from the photo shoots. Secondly, we had professional programs such as Final Cut Pro, with this program any problem could have been solved, it was a great program to edit on. Lastly, The internet was very fast and enabled us to save so much time while uploading or sharing, this also enabled me to use numerous online programs in one go and it had never caused me any problems.
