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THE TASK• The task consisted of creating a two minute thriller opening of any sub-

genre. After completing the research tasks, which enabled me to develop my micro-elements, thriller and character knowledge I was placed into a group, consisting of three members (including myself). We did the preliminary task, which allowed us to familiarise with filming, editing and selecting appropriate group roles. Our next step was to plan precisely our opening, including completing the pre-production paperwork. After the filming we started editing our footage and adding original soundtrack. Lastly we evaluated our project in order to measure our success.

DOES MY PRODUCT USE, DEVELOP OR CHALLENGE CONVENTIONS OF A THRILLER?ColourI have used thriller conventions by utilising a red colour effect on some of my frames. This uses the conventions as red connotes danger and evil, which are conventional themes of a thriller. Seven (1995) used similar effect in order to create fear and suspense in the opening sequence. I think this was effective as it alerts the audience about the genre and possible narrative.

IconographyI have developed conventions of a thriller by using the iconography of a mannequin in my opening. This develops conventions as mannequins are often associated with females who are subordinate. By using this I have created various meanings and developed the character representations. In The Silence of the Lambs (1991) Buffalo Bill had a collection of female mannequins and created a meaning of maniac obsession for the audience.In Her Scent


CostumeI have challenged forms and conventions of a thriller by dressing my antagonist in a dress. This challenges conventions as usually dresses are associated with females who are stereotypically weak, however I subverted this representation creating a meaning for the audience of jealousy and obsession. The antagonist from Insidious 2 (2013) also wears an old, rotten dress to show his evil and supernatural powers.

Silence of the Lambs

In Her Scent Insidious 2

In Her Scent

CHARACTER REPRESENTATION IN MY THIRLLERMy character challenges forms and conventions through costume. This is evident by the yellow dress that they are wearing which challenges conventions as often we associate dresses with females. The costume allows to the audience to understand the character more as they infer a possible identity crisis. Buffalo Bill from The Silence of the Lambs (1991) has worn similar clothing to express his character and mark his uniqueness.



The antagonist has a tall yet large body which uses conventions as often antagonists are larger in size to create supremacy and intimidation around their character, thus giving them the power. The physique allows the audience to understand the narrative too as the character longs for figure that he lacks. Doctor Douglas from Gothika (2003) is a large man which causes fear within petite and fragile individuals.


ETHNICITYThe character is white of Turkish origin which uses conventions. Often antagonists are ethnic because media tends to portray these individuals as evil and someone we should fear. Sloan from Wanted (2008) is an ethnic antagonist which is conventional of the thriller genre as his ethnicity creates meaning to the viewer and an insight to his personality.

AGEThe age of our character uses conventions. This is because our antagonist is portrayed as a middle aged man, which is conventional as most of these characters are older and have more experience and can think ahead of their opponents. This therefore challenges the protagonist. Hannibal Lecter from Hannibal (2001) was a middle aged man with a cunning nature and wider experience.

GENDERWe have used conventions by having a male antagonist. This uses conventions because often males are represented as the dominant gender and having a male antagonist will be more threatening and realistic. Jigsaw from the film Saw (2004) is a male antagonist who is capable of harming others, whereas females are represented as too fragile to cause harm.

CINEMATOGRAPHY (SIZES)EXTREME CLOSE UPI have used conventions by utilising an extreme close up in my opening sequence. This shot was used to keep the element of mystery to my opening as well as emphasise that this is a head which has been cut out from a woman. This uses conventions as conventional thrillers use extreme close ups to focus on something significant. Seven (1995) has used extreme close ups effectively in order to hide the characters identity and emphasise on the unusual actions.

MEDIUM SHOTI have developed my medium shot by using the rule of thirds to create my own meaning. This shot was used to present the iconography of the mannequin but still keep the character unrevealed. This develops conventions as by following the rule of thirds my shot became clearer and natural for the eye. In comparison, in the opening from The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011) the medium shot has not used the rule of thirds, which creates meaning of isolation around the character.

In Her Scent


In Her Scent

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

CINEMATOGRAPHY (ANGLES)LOW ANGLEI have used conventions by utilising a low angle in my opening. This angle was used to create superiority around the antagonist and make the viewer feel vulnerable. This uses conventions as often thrillers use low angles to give a character power and authority. In the opening scene from Inception (2010) a low angle is used effectively to give authority to an officer who serves the public.

In Her Scent


CANTED ANGLEI have used conventions by utilising a canted angle in my opening. This angle creates distortion to the frame and confuses the audience who cannot fully understand the character’s action. This uses conventions because canted angles are often used in thriller openings to create a chaotic atmosphere. A canted angle is used in the opening of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011) to create distortion and engage the viewer who needs to focus in order to understand the frame.

In Her Scent

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

CINEMATOGRAPHY (MOVEMENTS)PANNING SHOTI have used conventions by applying a panning shot in my opening. The movement was used to follow the character's hand which was smoothing the clothes. This uses the conventions as the panning shot helps to emphasise the character and show that he is the focus. A panning shot is used in The Stepfather (1897) to introduce a lot of family wall pictures. This allows the audience to understand that the character is very fond of his family, which can build curiosity from the audience

A Panning Shot from Right to Left.

In Her Scent

TILT SHOTI have used conventions by utilising a tilt shot in my opening sequence. The movement was used to introduce the iconography of a mannequin. This uses conventions as the tilt is used effectively to introduce something significant in the opening. A tilt shot is used in the opening of Scream (1996) in order to follow the iconography of a phone and introduce the character. The tilt allows the viewer to focus on the significant parts of the frame.

A Tilt Shot From Top to Bottom

In Her Scent A Tilt Shot from Bottom to TopScream

The Stepfather

A Panning Shot from Right to Left

SOUND I have developed conventions by using an eerie non-diegetic sound in my opening sequence. In my thriller I have utilised a non-diegetic sound of taunting piano that is often distorted by additional techno/electric sound effects. This develops forms and conventions as the non-diegetic sound is calm yet paralysing for the viewers. Simultaneously, the extra sounds match the edits, which compliments Godwin’s theory. Seven (1995) has used similar non-diegetic distortions in it’s opening sequence. This helped me to create a chaotic atmosphere and conveyed the dark atmosphere of a thriller.

EDITINGFADE TO BLACKI have used conventions by applying a fade to black in my thriller opening. This is evident at the end of the sequence, where the antagonist walks out and the title appears. This uses forms and conventions as the fade to black leaves the viewer in suspense and wonder, which is conventional of a thriller. A fade to black is used in the opening of the Law Abiding Citizen (2009) to show that the attack has a deadly effect on the family.

CROSS DISSOLVEI have used conventions by applying a cross dissolve to transition my frames. This edit takes place after the character smoothens the clothing and then the frame dissolves into a credit. The transition allows a fluent change which uses conventions as the viewer will find it more believable and won’t notice the drastic change. A cross dissolve is used in the opening of Face Off (1997) to transition from one frame to another in a smooth manner.

Abrupt Fade to Black

In Her Scent

In Her Scent

Law Abiding CitizenShot Followed by a Sudden Fade to Black

Face Off


I have challenged conventions by dressing my antagonist in a yellow dress. This challenges forms and conventions as dresses are usually worn by females. The antagonist from Insidious 2 (2013) has also challenged conventions as he was a male wearing a filthy dress. The mask also uses conventions. This is because it helps to hide the antagonist identity, thus informing the audience about his secretive and cunning nature. A mask is used in Scream (1996) in order to cover the antagonist’s face and keep him anonymous, which builds suspense.

HAIRThe antagonist’s hair style and colour uses conventions. This is because his sleek black hair connotes his evil and cunning nature as well as pride in what he does. This uses conventions as often antagonists tend to take pride in their actions although these are not always right. The antagonist from Face/Off (1997) has sleek black hair to show he is elegant and confident in what he does.

MAKE-UPThe use of make-up challenges forms and conventions. This is because the antagonist wears pink lipstick on his mask which subverts stereotypes as lipsticks are often used by females. The antagonist from Insidious 2 (2013) has also worn dark lipstick and eye shadow to show his evil intensions.

In Her Scent

Insidious 2


Face Off

MISE EN SCENE- ICONOGRAPHYI have developed conventions by using fashion magazines in my opening sequence. This is evident throughout the opening and shots of magazines with beheaded women are a reoccurring pattern in the sequence to reinforce the dark themes and create further meaning of hate to the audience. This develops forms and conventions as fashion magazines are not a conventional iconography of a thriller however the images of beheaded women match the chilling thriller atmosphere and my narrative. I have developed this idea from the opening of Seven (1995), where the antagonist was constantly cutting out, marking newspapers and the Bible. Furthermore, I have developed conventions by using the iconography of a mannequin in my opening sequence. The mannequin reoccurs in the sequence to represent the idyllic image that the character craves for but is deprived of. This develops conventions as often mannequins are associated with females, however I have used it to create own meaning and develop the character representation. Buffalo Bill from The Silence of the Lambs (1991) has a collection of mannequins to show his obsession and full devotion.

In Her Scent


Silence of the Lambs


SETTING Although the location isn’t clear in the opening, I have developed conventions by setting some of the sequence in a dress shop. This challenges the forms and conventions because the shot was isolated and empty which made the location look superior and dangerous, however the idea of a boutique subverts conventions as often we connote them with something pleasant. However this fitted the narrative well and showed that the antagonist likes privacy and is overly obsessed. Buffalo Bill from the Silence of the Lambs (1991) has also worked in an isolated basement where he kept all of his outfits and mannequins. The dark shots match the opening of Seven (1995) where all of the sequence was filmed in a gloomy setting to create fear.

COLOURI have used forms and conventions by applying red colour to my frames. This is evident at the editor’s credit. This uses conventions because red symbolises evilness and blood which are common elements of a thriller. A red colour is also effectively used in the opening of Seven (1995) to create a sense of danger and threat because of the rapid change to throbbing red.

In Her Scent


MISE EN SCENE- LIGHTINGUNDER LIGHITNGI have used conventions by applying an under light in my thriller opening. This is evident when the antagonist applies lipstick on his mask. This uses conventions as the under light creates shadows and makes his face look distorted and threatening, which is a conventional representation of an antagonist. An under lighting is also used in The Watchmen (2009) opening to display the antihero. This creates meaning for the audience by proposing the character’s intensions and possible actions.

LOW-KEY LIGHITNGI have used forms and conventions by applying low-key lighting in my opening. This is evident throughout the scene and helps to create a chilling atmosphere. This uses conventions as often thrillers utilise low key lighting to create fear around a character or convey the genre of the film. Low-key lighting is used in The Usual Suspects (1995) opening. The low-key lighting allows to establish the thrilling atmosphere of the opening and convey the genre.

In Her Scent

In Her Scent

The Watchmen

The Usual Suspects


I have developed conventions by using a mask with the same facial expression throughout. The antagonist is seemed to be wearing a white mask with an expressionless face which shows that he is inert to his actions which develops conventions as often antagonists are carefree. The antagonist in Scream (1996) has also used a mask to hide his identity, however the expression looked threatening and full of pain to show that this is someone who will cause harm.

In Her Scent

BODY LANGUAGEI have used forms and conventions through the body language of my antagonist. In the end, he stands firmly with his arms open widely to show that he isn’t afraid and will invade our personal space if needed, thus giving him a self assured look. This uses conventions as often antagonists are vain and feel undefeated in what they do. Buffalo Bill (Silence of the Lambs) also stands openly to show pride and threat.

In Her Scent


The Silence of the Lambs

THEORY- ARISTOTLEAristotle’s Theory proposes that themes used within the narrative can draw audience emotions and responses.Aristotle’s theory can be applied to my thriller opening. I have used the themes of fashion, social expectations, gender and obsession in order to create meaning to my narrative and character. In addition these are themes that my target audience of young adults will be familiar with as they’re common within this age group. This is because many young people face issues such as peer pressure and feel the need to fit in and feel accepted. By exploring the theme of social expectation they will be able to relate to the character and understand the narrative/ his motives more. This will have a bigger impact on them when they watch my opening. The possible reactions that my audience could have from watching my opening could be disgust and hate towards the antagonist because of the way he is undefinable and doesn't fit into the box which could upset some viewers who misunderstand him. Simultaneously, because he beheads magazine models, the viewers could fear him and feel in danger.

THEORY- BARTHESBarthes Theory focuses on semiology and cultural understanding.This theory can be applied to my thriller opening. An example would be the denotation of a lipstick which stereotypically symbolises femininity. However I decided to subvert this representation and made it connote blood in order to fit my narrative. Secondly the mannequin connotes an idyllic image that the character craves for but cannot have, which helped to develop character understanding.The sociopathic tendencies from the antagonist is an example of cultural understanding and exploration of the mental health field. This is because being a sociopath and having a bad mental state is still surrounded with stigma as many don’t understand these individuals. Therefore by exploring this we have shown one way in which these people are portrayed in our society.

THEORY- TODOROVTodorov’s theory focuses on the narrative structure, including the state of equilibrium, disequilibrium and a new equilibrium. This theory can be applied in my thriller opening. The state of equilibrium is at the very beginning where the credits are displayed. This is because everything seems stable. However, the disequilibrium begins when the a throbbing red filter is introduced to alert danger and threat. This is because of the connotations that red holds. Lastly, the new equilibrium starts when the character is introduced and the viewer realises that this is a man.



New Equilibrium

THEMES My thriller opening explores a variety of different themes. These include: • Social Expectations• Gender• Hatred/ObsessionSome of these themes challenge forms and conventions. For example the theme of fashion is not conventional to a thriller because the audience often connotes this with something pleasant, however we have manipulated micro-elements to represent this theme differently. However the theme of hatred and obsession uses conventions because often the antagonists are driven by hate and jealousy which is what makes them so threatening and unpredictable.

TARGET AUDIENCEMy choice of the target audience uses forms and conventions to an extend. The audience for my product are fifteen year olds and above, of any ethnicity, occupation an gender. This uses conventions as typically thrillers are aimed at those viewers. This broad range will allow my product to have a mainstream audience, which gives me a bigger chance of making a success. Also, from looking at the BBFC rules and age certificates I realised that my thriller classifies as a 15+ because of the controversial representation of the people with mental health issues, subverted morals and suggested violence. I believe that this wide variety of audience will make my opening successful as everyone can find something that they’re interested in. Similar idea was explored in The Silence of the Lambs (1991) and the interesting representation of Buffalo Bill, which allowed to bring a broad audience and made the film a massive success.

Buffalo Bill (Silence of the Lambs)

CREDITSI have developed conventions by using newspaper cuttings as my typography. This originated from looking at the opening of Seven (1995) and seeing the Bible and photo cut outs that the character created. Simultaneously, the newspaper credits match the fashion magazines and support the narrative. It also helps to keep the element of surprise by keeping it anonymous and create suspense. I think that this unique and different way of portraying the credits will draw in audience who are curious for new ideas. In addition, the order of the credits were influenced by Seven (1995) and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011) because these are successful thrillers that my opening was heavily influenced by in terms of cinematography and editing.However, for the title of the film we have decided on very feminine pink typography in order to reinforce the idea of gender and the character’s desires. This challenges forms and conventions because thrillers tend to use thick and heavy fonts in order to convey the dark genre. Nevertheless, I think that this typography works well with my opening sequence and represents the narrative well.

CONCLUSION Overall my product has used, developed and challenged forms and conventions successfully in order to create a unique and original thriller. I think that it was important to challenge conventions in order to create something different and unpredictable. An example would be the costume which subverts the common representations of antagonists. On the other hand it is also significant to use established conventions in order to stay on task and create an appropriate thriller where the audience will be able to identify the genre. Therefore I have used low-key lighting to convey the dark and chilling atmosphere of a thriller.
