Presentation on Strange Pilgrims


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Presentation for:Presentation for:M.M. Shariful KarimM.M. Shariful KarimAssociate Professor & ChairAssociate Professor & ChairDepartment of English Department of English Comilla University Comilla University

Presented by:Tyrin Akter-21301025Shanjida Afrose-21301036Taslima Akter-21301032

Presentation Topic:The suffering of women in Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s Strange Pilgrims (“I Sell My Dreams” & “The Trail Of Your Blood In The Snow”)


Gabriel Garcia Marquez • One of the gretest writers in 20th century. • A magical figure.• A novelist ,short story writer, and journalist.• Born in Aracata, Colombia in 1928. • Raised by his grandparents.• Died in Mexico City, Mexico in April 17, 2014.

Strange PilgrimsStrange Pilgrims

• ‘Strange Pilgrims’ is a collection of twelve loosely- connected short-stories. It was originally published in Spanish named “Twelve Wandering Tales” in 1992

• Garcia’s Fourth short fiction collection.

The Prologue To The The Prologue To The Strange PilgrimsStrange Pilgrims““Why Twelve, Why Stories, Why Pilgrims’’Why Twelve, Why Stories, Why Pilgrims’’

• One of the best pieces in Strange Pilgrims• Written over Eighteen years.• Explain the causes behind the title and the number of

stories• The “Pilgrims’ of the title of Garcia Marquez’s new

book not only the characters but the stories themselves.

• Traveling around Europe with family, he filled a school note book with 64 sketches of stories

• The notebook disappeared.• He reconstituted 30 of the 64 pieces, then

discarded all but 18


• He rewrote them whereupon six of them left for wastebasket• There was another complete rewrite.• This peripatetic history perhaps explains why these stories are so

uneven.• “The effort involved in writing a short story is as intense as

beginning a novel”• “New readers will know what to do with them. Fortunately, for these

strange pilgrims, ending up in the wastebasket will be like the joy of coming home”

““I sell My Dreams”I sell My Dreams”• Publication Date: 1980• Setting: Havana Riviera Hotel in Itally.• Characters:

Frau FriedaThe AuthorThe Portuguese AmbassadorPablo Naruda

SummarySummary“I Sell My Dreams” is a story of a woman who wears a snake

ring with emerald eyes and is known as Frau Frieda who makes her living by selling dreams to a wealthy families.

• A Morning Accident- A gigantic wave crushes down “like an explosion of dynamite.”• Such a tragedy- Under one of the smashed cars was found a smashed women.

SummarySummary• A Flashback

Her eyes and ring reminded the author “an unforgettable women” in Vienna 34 years ago

- Selling dreams as her only trade- Her dreams had oracular qualities.- She told the narrator to leave Vienna.

SummarySummary• The First Encounter- The narrator meet Pablo Neruda- Neruda “dreamed about the woman who dreamed.”- After that the narrator meet again that woman and she said “I

dreamed he was dreaming about me.”- The Portuguese ambassador answered with a certain

disenchantment: “Nothing, She dreamed.”

•Miscellaneous: Translated from Spanish by Edith Grossman. The story was originally published in 1993 in playboy.•Primary source: Strange pilgrims.•Publisher: penguin.•Place published: New York.•Edition: 1994.

The trail of your blood in the snow.

Setting: Madrid - Spain, Paris – France. Characters: Billy Sanchez and Nena Daconte are main characters of the story, besides them there are some other characters who play vital role as Billy and Nena’s parents, Doctor, Nurse, Ambassador, ambassador’s wife etc.

SUMMARY Protagonists Billy Sanchez and Nena Daconte, children of two wealthy Colombian family, fly to Europe to celebrate their honeymoon. After She scrapes her ring finger on a rose thorn, The nearly cut imperceptible starts bleeding profusely. Nena is admitted to the intensive care unit of a Paris hospital on Tuesday in 1930 in January 7. Visitation is permitted only a week so Billy must wait six days before he can see his wife again. He spends most of his time alone in a near by hotel.

Billy tries to visit Nena sooner but is throne out of the hospital by a security guard. Billy’s attempt to enlist the aid of the foreign embassy is equally unsuccessful.

When Tuesday’s visiting hour finally arrive. Billy can not locate his wife. Billy exits the hospital with thought of violence and revenge for his calamity.

As a woman Nena Daconte is badly treated in the story that are naturally found in present society. Her husband does not give his attention towards her although they are newly couple, his attention only towards his driving and the new car. He continuously shows his mannish attitude, as real men don’t eat sweets, when Nena tries to put a candied orange in his mouth. Even at some point he informed her the first time they went out together that nothing is more humiliating for a man than to be driven by his wife.

Critical Analysis of the suffering of women in “I Sell My Dreams” and “The Trail of Your Blood in The Snow”

The Suffering Of Frau Frieda In The Suffering Of Frau Frieda In “I Sell My Dreams”“I Sell My Dreams”

•Title: “I Sell My Dreams”The author asked her how she had come to be in a world so distant and

different from the windy Cliffs of Quindio and she answered with a devastating :

“I sell my dreams”In reality, that was her only trade.

Setting: Havana Riviera Hotel.“ It was like an explosion of dynamite that sowed panic on all twenty

floors of the building and turned the great entrance window to dust. The many tourists in the lobby were thrown into the air along with the furniture and some were cut by the hailstorm of glass--------------

The body of a woman was found . The blow had been so brutal that not a single one of her bones was left whole. Her face was destroyed, her boots had been ripped apart and her clothes were in shreds.

The Suffering Of Frau Frieda In The Suffering Of Frau Frieda In “I Sell My Dreams”“I Sell My Dreams”

– The significance of Egyptian ring in the shape of a serpent and its emerald eyes.

– The significance of Frieda’s dream.The author comments-”Dream by dream, she had taken over the entire fortune of her ineffable patrons in Vienna. I had always thought her dreams were no more than a stratagem for surviving.

The Suffering Of Nena Daconte In The Suffering Of Nena Daconte In “The Trail Of Your Blood In The Snow”“The Trail Of Your Blood In The Snow”

• The story starts “At Nightfall, When they reached the frontier, Nena Daconte realized that her finger with the wedding band on it was still bleeding.”

• Nena’s uncomfortableness with marriage-She greeted them both with false kisses, uncomfortable

with her somewhat premature status as bride, and then accepted the roses. As she took them she pricked her finger on a thorn and said-

“I did it on purpose, So you’d notice my ring.”

The Suffering Of Nena Daconte In The Suffering Of Nena Daconte In “The Trail Of Your Blood In The Snow“The Trail Of Your Blood In The Snow””

• Billy’s careless attitude to Nena.He had an insatiable passion for rare automobiles.Driving was more important for him than searching for pharmacy.

• Nena’s unhappy conjugal life.She opened one of the many presents they had received in Madrid and tried to put a piece of candied orange in his mouth. But he turned away.

“Real men don’t eat sweets” he said.

The Suffering Of Nena Daconte In The Suffering Of Nena Daconte In “The Trail Of Your Blood In The Snow“The Trail Of Your Blood In The Snow””

Nena Daconte would have liked to help her husband with the driving but she did not dare even to suggest, if he had in for med her the first time they went out together that nothing is more humiliating for a man than to be driven by his wife.

While she was with her husband she said, “A frail of blood in the snow all the way from Madrid or Paris.”

• Billy’s indifference during Nena’s death.

ConclusionConclusionG.G. Marquez’s women characters in Strange Pilgrim’s like Frieda and Nena are not only the representation of Latin American women but also the every women in the world. This folk is sufferer whether they are single or married and it becomes common that only death is the final destiny for such sufferers. However, as the 21st century generation, we also want to dream like Frieda not to sell but to show others and want to be partner not to die as Nena but to survive.

Thank you