Presentation in English Part 1


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Do not lean on the podium or table :Leaning on a support suggest to your

audience that you are weak or nervous

Continue to smile slightly at the beginning of your presentation: then

become gradually a little more serious as you tell your audience what you are going to talk about

Do not point your finger at the audience :

This can seem very aggressive . Show your open palm with your

hands spread wide.

Use occasional arm movement to underline important point : if you wave your arms around all the time, you will distract

your audience.

Maintain eye contact : Make eye contact with every person in the room, do not only

at one person.Do not walk around to much

Use your head :Movements of your head and expressions of your face can add

weight to what your words are saying

Control your voice :Speak slowly and clearly . Let your voice go up and down

( speak loudly, then quietly)

Voice quality:Speed :

You can speak normal speed, faster, or more slowly and you can stop completely.

Intonation :

You can change the pitch of your voice.

Volume :

You can speak at normal volume , loudly , quietly.

Signposting : A member of the audience can now visualize your presentation like this :

WelcomeExplanation of structure (now) BodyEuropeAsiaAfricaConclutionSumming upRecommendations

Here are some useful expressions to signpost the various parts of your presentation.

Introducing the subject :“I’d like to start by….”“ let’s begin by….”“ first of all, I’ll…”Finishing a subject :“ Well, I’ve told you about….”“that’s all I have to say about…”Starting another subject“now we’ll move on to….”“ let me turn now to…”“next……”