Present Simple, routines, exercises



presentation of present simple for primary school students

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• Fem servir el Present Simple per accions que es fan habitualment i per rutines.

Ex. I play football every Sunday.

Jugo a futbol cada setmana.

Mary does her homework everyday.

La Mary fa els seus deures cada dia.

Formació del verb

• Formar el Present Simple és molt senzill. Hem d’agafar la forma de l’infinitiu i conjugar-la:

To play

I playYou playHe playsShe playsIt playsWe playYou playThey play

EXERCISES• Quines formes del verb eren diferents?• Exercise 1 Make sentences using the pictures and

the verbs as in the example: John/have breakfast: -John has breakfast every

morning. -John has cereals for breakfast every morning.

My friend/ play: My parents/ watch TV:

Tom/go to school: My brother/listen to:

Tercera persona: third person

• Com hem vist a la formació del verb, la tercera persona (he, she, it) és l’ única que varia:

• He plays, she comes, it eats: afegim una “s” a l’infinitiu.

• Però hi ha uns quants casos especials:

• Quan l’infinitiu acaba en -s,-z,-sh,-tch,-ss fa la tercera persona en -es:

• watch watches• pass passes• crash crashes

• També fem servir la terminació -es quan l’infinitiu acaba en consonant + o:

• go goes• do does

• Finalment, la terminació -es es fa servir quan el verb acaba en consonant + y. En aquest cas la y es transforma en i:

• carry carries• marry marries

Exercise 2: choose the right answer.

• a) Mary washs the dishes everyday.

• b) Mary washes the dishes everyday.

• a) John plaies football with his friend Sam.

• b) John plays football with his friend Sam.

• Susan always carrys a lot of bags.

• Susan always carries a lot of bags.

• Mary misses the bus every morning.

• Mary miss the bus every morning.

Exercise 3: Habits. Write about Peter’s routine

Use the verbs in the box in every picture. Be careful, they are not in order!:

• Peter at 7:30 in the morning then, he .After that he

Peter usually has cereals for breakfast!. At 8 he .At 2:00 he at the school

canteen. In the afternoon, he has some lessons and after that, he finishes school. After his lessons, Peter

it is his favourite sport! But he has some obligations too! Peter every

aftenoon. After dinner he and at 10:00 he .Good night, Peter.

Go to bed, have a shower , play rugby, start school, have lunch, do his homework, watch TV, wake up, have breakfast.

Exercise 4: Now, write about your routine at the weekend. Use these words if you want.

late meet friends

stay in do sportrelax

do homework go outEarly cinema

grandparents video games