Prehistory in spain


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Period of time before human people

learn to write.

It begins with the appearance of the

human being (4,5 million years ago).

Finishes with the invention of

writing, about 6,000 years ago.

1. Australopithecus

2. Homo Habilis

3. Homo Erectus

4. Neanderthal

5. Cro-Magnon

1 2 34 5

• Lived 4 million to 1million B.C.

• First humanlike creatures to walk upright

• Mary Leakey finds evidence in Africa 1978

• Johanson finds “Lucy”

–Australopithecus that lived 3.5 million years ago

– 1st full skeleton found of this species

• Lived 2.5 million to 1.5 million B.C.

• Habilis means “man of skill”

• Thought to be the 1st to

make stone tools

– Used the tools to cut meat

and crack bones

– Evidence shows they could

cut elephant meat

• Jokingly known as the

“Handy Man”

• Lived 1.6 million to 30,000


• Remains found in Africa,

Asia and Europe

• Considered to be the

“upright man”

• Developed new ways of

using stone tools

– Digging, scraping, etc.

• First group to control

& create FIRE

• Also thought to create

spoken/oral language

• These were the common humans

• Lived 100,000 to 400,000

years ago

• Cro-Magnon man and

Neanderthals are considered

the 1st two early Homo Sapiens

• Traveled from Africa to

Asia, Europe and the Americas

• Known as the “wise men”

• Found in Europe

• Considered fully

modern humans

• Created cave art

• Studied animals

and stalked their


• Found in Europe and SW Asia

• Battled Cro-Magnons for food and land

• 1st to have ritual burials

• Very muscular build- look like cavemen

One of Europe’s most important archaeological sites of the Copper Age. It is

located in the municipality of Santa Fe de Mondujar, some 17 kilometres from

Almeria city

The people of Los Millares (3200-2200 B.C.) developed a splendid farming

culture, and were the first to introduce copper metallurgy in the Western

Mediterranean area.

There is nothing comparable in entire Europe from that period.

The site consists in four lines of wall and thirteen small advanced forts

protected its extensive population.

There were different cultures in the Iberian Peninsula.

They used iron to make tools.

The IBERIANS lived in the East and South of Baleares. They worked

in agriculture and mining and traded their metals with the Greeks and

Phoenicians. They lived in fortified settlements.

The Celts lived in the North and West. They worked in animal


Celtiberians lived in the centre of the Peninsula. They shared

characteristics of both Celtic and Iberian cultures.

During the Metal Age, the coast of the Iberian Peninsula was colonised

by some Mediterranean cultures: phoenicians, greeks and carthaginians.

PhoeniciansThe Phoenicians came from the eastern Mediterranean looking for

minerals . They invented the writing.

They founded the oldest city in the Iberian Peninsula, named GADIR

(Cádiz) and other important cities like MALAKA (Málaga), or QARD

HADASHT (Cartagena).

The Phoenicians gave the Iberian Peninsula the name of I-SHEPHAN-IM,

which means “land of rabbits”. Romans adapted this word to Latin as


The Greeks arrived in the 6th century BC

and founded their colonies in the East

and the South of the Peninsula such as

Ampurias (in Girona)

They exchanged pottery for metals, salt

and wheat.

Carthaginians came from North Africa in the 6th Century BC . They

founded two important cities in the Iberian Peninsula: Cartago Nova

(Cartagena) and Ibiza.

Carthaginians wanted to rule the world. But Romans wanted the same,

too. So they fought important battles called

“Punic Wars”

The Romans came to the Iberian Peninsula in 218 BC. They fought for 200

years to control it.

Emperor Augustus called it was divided into several provinces.

Hispania was once of the most Romanised regions of the Empire. Roman

Law ruled Hispania.