Posterous versus virtual cities


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  • 1. Posterousvs Virtual Cities
    Recent experiments and student outcomes

2. Changing Urban Environments
Encourage independent study
Use digital geographic information
Develop spatial decision making skills
Student motivation
3. How does Posterous work?
4. Teachers Posterous
5. Students Posterous
Total ownership over content and design
Ownership implies responsibility!
6. Benefits of Posterous

  • Ease of setting homework

7. Assignments can make use of online content, You Tube etc 8. Easy to attach documents, audio clips, photos etc. 9. Cross platform (update from a phone / iPadetc) 10. RSS Reader enables teacher to keep track of students work 11. Comment only marking at teachers convenience 12. Student is publishing for a real audience including parents, peers, other teachers, SLT, Ofstedetc 13. Learners more likely to improve their work after feedback 14. Encourages uncontrived peer assessment and constructivist learning attitudes amongst learners
