Poster analysis 12


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Poster analysis

By Noreen Mumtaz

This poster emphasis and follows the conventions of horror, and also represents the element of thriller in it as well. Through the image, colours, lighting and effect that have been included, all add together to bring about the theme of horror.

The Layout of this poster, focuses on the image centring the page, drawing the most attention there, and any text have been placed at either the top or bottom, as any extra information about the film ( release date, director etc…) can be read, but the title of the film, and the image captures the most attention.

The colours that have been used are mainly: dark blue, black, and white. The blue works effectively in the sense that it mirrors the idea of a cold death, this tone of blue, isn't warm, but is almost reflective of a person turning pale, when their blood flow has been restricted. Thus, once again, it foreshows the idea of death. Also, by looking at the image it self, her frightened face, we would naturally assume that death would be involved, so the blue colour works well in bring out this impression. The black colour presents the idea of darkness, isolation, danger, and inevitably, death. The black contrast directly with the white writing and the pale blue face, thus allowing the main image in the middle stand out.

The main quote, placed that the top, which initially sums up the film, and it written in normal capital sans serif font, is rather large letter, so the audience is able to see the writing. The main title is written in a different font from the rest, thus, allowing to stand out as well, and separating it from the main sans serif font that have been used throughout. This was done to draw about attention towards the main title of the film. The font used gives it an extra terrestrial feel to it, as its got a glow to it, this may draw the idea that the film would be based on something out of the ordinary.

The image that have been presented is a picture of a women, who’s eyes have been carved out from the sockets and, are shown as dark pits in her face. This brings about the idea of her identity being lost, she is blinded and through, what seems to be a refection, from her nose down, is a skull like face. This connotes the idea of death. Her face seems to show an expression of fear and shock, evidently establishing the convention of horror, as she is putting forward the stereotypical expression we would find in a horror movie. The image looks as though there is the antagonist, placed behind the protagonist, and the top half of her face is reflected in the mirror, after what seems like, she has seen the what’s behind. The positioning of the two images, which have been placed on top of each, round of the idea of a whole face, and therefore, foreshowing her death, as ’half’ of her is already ‘dead’. The pieces of mirror/ or glass, is broken into small fragments and broken, glass itself connotes the idea of danger. The fact that the broken glass is places directly in front of the girl, whom we assume is the protagonist, insinuates that she is broken herself, once again, it follows another convention of horror, as the innocent victim is always targeted.

The text at the top: “ rest in pieces”, is a way of implying the brutality and vengeful death that may occur in this film. There is no sympathy as the quote initially rooted from the saying “Rest in peace”. Taking the ‘peace’ out of it and replacing it with ‘pieces’ can mirror the idea that this ‘person’ is initially attempting break the person apart, however it may be, emotionally, physically, or mentally is ambiguous, and this leads to a greater chill in the audience, as it may leave them curious, what it may be about.

The image representations, in my opinion aim to make the audience feel uncomfortable. The close up show the eye, which doesn’t have a pupil, it instead seems to steamed with a hand print being plastered on the top. This image may be a representative of a person being trapped on the inside, and is seeing every from the eye and is attempting to get out. Or it could show a stereotypical idea of a possession taking place. Like the image before, the skin is a pale blue, and it also seems to be rotting away from the idea. This therefore, follows the codes and conventions of horror, as it is inevitable that some form of death, ghost etc would appear. The image seems to be showing a presumably dead person, who doesn’t have an eye to see through, and that though alone is enough to make the person who ever see’s this understand the main concept of the film. Furthermore, the poster as a whole, seems to be shown as an old image as the filter on top gives an effect as though we are looking at an old picture, as the sides of the image seem to be burnt, and given a nostalgic effect to it. This was done, as it gave an overview of what the film, may be about. The heading at the top mentions the word ‘past’ and the title mentions the word ‘return’. Therefore, we can assume that this film will be based on the past that has come to haunt. In reference to image that had been displayed, we can assume that this person, is the ‘ghost’ that has come to attack, or is a victim of this.

Through researching different horror posters to analyse, I establish the typical images that are used, and they are normally an image of an eye. Using an image of the eye, allows the audience feel uncomfortable, and it also manipulation the eye to create an unnatural and eerie look, thus, drawing the audience to more it because it is un-usual. The crop of the eye filling the frame also creates impact as it perfectly expresses the emotions- mainly of fear, as the eyes are often widened when frightened.

The colours that have been used are mainly black, blue and white. The blue colour connotes the idea of death and suffocation, the hint of grey that brushes out from the blue, add more to the pale effect, highlighting the idea of a lifeless person, and in this case, a ghost, or possession. The black colour are used in the text and the corners of the poster whereby, it canconnote the idea of darkness closing in and entrapping someone, in other words, death. White colour, seems to be washed out, making it seem almost grey and that highlights certain areas of the face that needs more emphasis.

The Layout of this poster is also similar to the one analysed before. The main focus is the image which is centred clearly in the middle, and since it is a close up shot, it draws in the most attention. The text flow around the top and bottom of the poster, allowing the main focus, be the image. The use of this is to draw and establish the genre of the film, and this image is a good enough example, to clearly show what kind of genre the film is based on, thus is draws in the right target audience, since it stands


The title seems to blurred out, as it something is trying to erase it, this can almost seem as though, through the text above, the title is a representation of the past itself, is almost gone, but not completely and a bit blurred just like old memory. The ‘R’ in the returned seems to be flipped as taking out the ‘Re’ from the word, its left with turned, therefore, the ‘R’ has be turned to portray the idea that the past is coming back. The directors name is placed on top to allow the audience know who directed it, and if they know the director and previous work they may automatically want tot watch this as well. The sub text at the bottom, is written in sans serif, in a small font, just so the attention Is solely drawn to the image first and those who are interested will begin to read more of the cover.

This text that runs along the top, provides an extra hint of information to what the film may be based around. “ The past never dies, it kills.” This quotation can refer to the initial thought that the film is going to be based on the supernatural, whereby, it may include ghost, or zombies. This will work efficiently as it would be able draw in a particular/ target audience, who enjoy watching a film based of mystery and ghosts.

The colours in this poster are presented in the stereotypical way, whereby it follows the codes and conventions of horror. It uses dark colours to convey the ideas of death, isolation and the unknown. Using The colour red, connotes the idea of blood, anger, and vengeance, so as an audience we can assume what the film may be about through these connotations. Furthermore, the main colour which seem to draw in the audience the most world be the colour black, and this is shown as a primary colour, and takes up most of the poster. The covers of the poster are dark, an gradually get lighter from the centre, which therefore draws focus on to the face. This technique could be used to initiates the idea that darkness is closing in, and darkness being a common fear, creates a sense of uneasiness. The white, stands out the most from the poster, as shown through the eyes, the text, and bits of the face that tat been highlighted. This effect on the face, allows it to stand out, and being a direct contrast with the black shade around, creates a more sinister effect therefore, it establishes the horror theme.

The text around the poster work in way to draw in the target audience which is presumably, round the age of 15-30 years. Mentioning the director, writer and producer, will allow the audience understand what kind of work they will be viewing. For those audience who may supposedly like the film mentioned above: “The hills have eyes”, will be drawn to watching a film similar to that, thus drawing in more of their target audience.

The text that have been used around the poster work effectively in drawing out the main theme, and keeping with the professionalism of the work. Making it look more sophisticated. To begin with, looking at the title of the poster “mirrors”, draw out a unique aspect, which reflects the title itself, this is shown through the “R” which are flipped, facing each other, just as though a mirror has been placed in-between.

This poster represents the theme of horror, and maybe even thriller or slasher. This can be drawn from this through various different aspects. One example for this would be through the facial expression the person on the cover poster has. Its evident that fear, shock, and panic is written all over her face, as presented through her wide eyes open mouth. On the other hand, it can also be argued that she also mirrors the face of a sinister looking dead girl, This therefore, brings an insight of the death that may take place, either of this character displayed on the front cover, or of another character.

The camera angle plays an important role in establishing the kind of atmosphere the films makers are trying to set. This is done so that the audience will able to understand what the film may be set around. The camera shot that has been used is a medium shot, taken at eye level, making it as though the character is staring right at the viewer. This may make them feel uncomfortable, yet drawn to the film, as the target audience, who are horror movie lover, will be intrigued to watch such a film.

The colours displayed on this poster is mainly dark grey, black and white. These colours connote death, darkness, and fear. Where these colours, put together, gives the image very little life, emphasises on the idea of death and darkness taking over. This can also be shown, as the black colours is mainly placed on the edge of the poster, which is given the effect of it closing in on the image centred on the page, this therefore, highlights the idea of darkness closing in. the walls have a damp effect, which suggest the ideas of something rotting away, this therefore insinuates the idea of the movie revolving around the idea of death.

The director’s name has not been stated on the poster, instead the films that have previously directed, have been stated. This is an effective sell line since it would widen the films audience due to the audiences recognising these films, thus, they may be encouraged to watch the film. The typography is in white and also in capitals allowing it to stand out on the page, which therefore contrast with the dark background. The film names ‘Saw’ and ‘Insidious’ are written in a bold font in comparison to the other texts on the page, which draws in the readers attention. 

The main image that centres the poster, is of a women sitting in a rocking chair with her head turned away, so we are unaware of how she really looks like, thus, creating a sense of unanimity. The fact that the old women is isolated in the middle of a dark, and unfurnished room makes the poster look creepy, as through the connotations, she gives off the vibe of a mysterious and unapproachable women . The women is also shown to be wearing a white gown, similar to doll on her lap, which can therefore forebode the idea o supernatural or something more disturbing as it creates a link between the two. Furthermore, the dolls head seems to have moved its head around facing the camera, an action we would expect the main character to be doing, f we where to follow the main codes and conventions of horror, this this makes the main image look terrifying, and as it is covered in bold red scratch mark on its face, it also connotes that it has been injured, or being reflective of the mental state of the main women in this picture. The eyes of the doll are shown to be staring directly into the camera, which may frighten the audience as it is as though, the doll is staring directly at the audience. This therefore, connotes its inviting the audience to watch the film.

At the bottom of the poster, the tagline says ‘Based on the true case files of the warrens’. The effectiveness of this is that, to some audiences, this adds to the total scare factor as it is based on a true story, meaning what being told isn’t a fragment of someone's imagination, therefore, this heightens the eagerness for the target audience to watch the film. This is a sell line which is used to get more people to the watch the film

At the bottom of the poster it says: “coming soon” and this is a typical convention used in any film posters. This is showing that the film’s release date is not announced therefore suggesting that this poster created to promote the movie, and get the potential audience excited for it for when it is supposed to be released.