Position For the Future - Career Coach Ford R. Myers - Career Potential, LLC




You've Landed the Job: Now Position Yourself for the Future - Ford R. Myers, Award-Winning Career Expert and Author. Click here for your complimentary career consultation http://careerpotential.com/free-caree.... Ford R.Myers, Career Coach Philadelphia (in person and long-distance) has helped thousands of people Take Charge of their Careers, Create the Work they Love, and Earn What They Deserve! You can have career success, too! Click the link above for a complimentary career consultation from Ford R. Myers, Career Coach – as seen on NBC, ABC, CBS, Wall Street Journal, US News & World Report and more.

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You’ve Landed the Job; Now Position

Yourself for the Future

Presented by: Ford R. Myers

PresidentCareer Potential, LLC


“We're rediscovering the job as the most valuable asset

a person can have.”

#1 Emerging Idea of 2009

Steps for Creating Success in Your New Job*

* With thanks to Michael Watkins

Diagnose the Organization

Establish Expectationswith your New Boss

Assess and Build your Team

Recognize your Vulnerabilities and Shore-Up your Gaps

Identify and ScoreEarly Wins

Accelerate your Learning

Prioritize to Succeed

Develop Supportive Alliances

The Key to Survival and Prosperity

in the 21st Century World of Work is …

Continuous Investmentin your CareerUpgrade


NetworkSearch for

new opportunities
