Peace & cooperation project 2012


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Authors The authors belong to a class of compesatory secondary education. They all are 13 years all and come from dysfunctional families or difficult social-economical enviroments. They represent a great diversity of nationalities all around the world.

Goals This mural has been done in a collaborative-work way because we thought this was the best way to reach the purpouse of the Foundation. We worked on it one day every week during three whole months .

The mural Aesthetic: Hands and colours relate every global objective with sports. Informative: QR codes must be scanned with a mobile app, redirecting users to by-the-students-selfmade videos where their ideas can be explained.

QR Mural Peace and Cooperation 2012

IES Isabel la Católica





COLOURS: Every group of students was on charge for representing a millenium global development objective. To assign the colour which better identifies each objective, was one of their duties. This way they got to the initial level of the mural as one can see on the cover picture.

HANDS: Each group worked on the hand shape in relationship to a sport or the objective they were representing. At the same time we made a brainstorming to create the quotes which surround the shape of each hand.

QR CODES: At the planning phase, we decided to give the mural more than only an aesthetic function but also a informative one. Everyone thought of an idea in which sport could feed an objective. Afterwards we took the videos and edited them. Videos were also encoded as QR codes to enable people to know more about our work or to inspire them by scanning the codes with a mobile app: IOS (Iphone): I-nigma app or similar. Android: QRDroid or similar Blackberry: Go to BBM and then select scan QR group option.


A. Vestibulum quam.

D. Vivamus eu turpis.




