Parts of a Dictionary



The power point presents the parts of a dictionary.

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A dictionary has information about words. The words are listed in the alphabetical order.

To find the words quickly,

think of the a dictionary as

having three (3) parts.


Words startingwith letters:

a, b, c, d, e, f, g

Words startingwith letters:

h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p

Words startingwith letters:

q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z

2. Mia brought her umbrella today because of the scorching heat of the sun.

Identify what part of the dictionary can you see the following words:


Let’s Practice!

Get your B2A. Turn

it on page 440.Do Practice A.

The guide words at the top of the page name the first and last words on the page.

Read each word. Choose which pair of guide words it comes between.

1.sigh sidelong-signature shuffle- sideline

2. flip floss- fly

flicker- florist

3. whisk whirl-who

whereat- whip

4. adventure adult- advocate

adhesive- adorn

Read each pair of guide words. Identify the word that would appear on the same page.

1.breakdown- brewery

breaker brakebrass

2. inflate- initial

inject inn insect

3. precede- preliminary

precious prank premise

On Your Own

Turn your B2A on p. 441. Do Practice C and D.

Each word defined in a dictionary is called an entry word. The entry word is printed in dark type.

Stream [strem] n. 1. a body of running water, such as a small river. 2. A steady flow. A stream of people walked past the shop. -v. streamed, streaming, streams. To flow in a stream

A special spelling of the word comes right after the entry. This special spelling shows the word’s pronunciation, or how to say it aloud.

Stream [strem] n. 1. a body of running water, such as a small river. 2. A steady flow. A stream of people walked past the shop. -v. streamed, streaming, streams. To flow in a stream

The letter or letters after the pronunciation tell the part of speech. Most dictionaries use abbreviations.

Stream [strem] n. 1. a body of running water, such as a small river. 2. A steady flow. A stream of people walked past the shop. -v. streamed, streaming, streams. To flow in a stream

The definition tells the meaning of the word. When a word has more than one meaning, the definitions are numbered.

Stream [strem] n. 1. a body of running water, such as a small river. 2. A steady flow. A stream of people walked past the shop. -v. streamed, streaming, streams. To flow in a stream

Some definitions have an example sentence that shows how the word is used.

Stream [strem] n. 1. a body of running water, such as a small river. 2.

A steady flow. A stream of people walked past the shop. -v. streamed, streaming, streams. To flow in a stream

Some dictionaries show the inflected forms of the word.

Stream [strem] n. 1. a body of running water, such as a small river. 2. A steady flow. A stream of people walked past the

shop. -v. streamed, streaming, streams. To flow in a stream

On Your Own

Turn your B2A on p. 443. Answer Practice F.
