Part 2: Use a picture. It’s worth 1000 words. (PowerPoint)


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Use a picture.

It’s worth 1000 words.

Part 2: “Use a picture. It’s worth 1000 words.” 10 photographs.

1911Arthur Brisbane, a newspaper man

is credited with saying:“Use a picture. It is worth a thousand words.”

1927“A picture is worth a thousand words.”

appeared in an advertisement developed by:Fred R. Barnard

for Royal Baking Soda.

Note:Chinese Proverb:

“One picture is worth ten thousand words”attributed to: Confucius

It’s worth something


1885Unpacking “The Statue of Liberty”

1907: Annette KellermenPromoting the right for women to wearSwimsuits; was arrested for indecency

1916Charlie Chaplin at age 27

1937: Cages for Children in apartmentsto ensure that they get enough sunlight

1940: London, Bombing of LondonSitting and waiting with her doll

1940: London, AirstrikeBombed bookstore; learning must prevail

1944: Battle of SaipanSoldier sharing a banana with a goat

1943: AustriaBoy thankful for the gift of new shoes

1948: Chicago, USAashamed mother selling her children

1964: acid thrown into poolowner didn’t want ‘coloureds’ to use pool
