Panum Crater



Photos of Panum Crater, an 800-yr-old dome volcano on the south end of Mono Lake in CA.

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Panum Crater, CA

And the Mono Craters.Photos taken in June 2005 (with a field trip with

Mississippi State U.) and March 2006 (with Latin’s Field Geology class).

Ejecta ring in foreground and on the right. Plug dome on the left.

Rocks of the ejecta ring—obsidian and pumice.

View of the plug. Mono Lake is in distance at left.

Sign for Rim trail and Plug trail.

Ejecta ring on left. Mono Lake in center. Plug on right.

Plug of obsidian and pumice. The next few slides are of the rocks of the plug.

Obsidian. GPS receiver for scale.


Obsidian showing great conchoidal fracture.

Cracked surface of obsidian.

Tower of obsidian. Ashley Fox for scale.

At the summit with Mono Lake and Sierra Nevadas in the background. Coach Granath and John Rudolph.

Coach Granath and John Errington spitting off the edge of the summit.

Photographing the obsidian. Peter Mauer, Jennifer Errington, Scott Hardage.

Negit Island (the black island) in Mono Lake

At geocache site.

Finding the geocache. John Rudolph and Ashley Fox.

Geocache at the summit.

Standing on the plug looking toward the ejecta ring.

Line of Mono Craters. They get younger to the north (left).

Rhyolite plug as seen from the summit of Panum Crater.

Northwest coulee as seen from Panum Crater.

Mono craters. Younger on the left.

One of the domes.

Different angle.

Another of the domes.

Northwest coulee (center to left in background).

Dome as seen from ejecta ring of Panum Crater.

North coulee—stretches out to the highway.

The End