Our School Bernard de Ventadour


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School Of Bernard Of Ventadour.

Our school is in Ardèche, in Privas. This collège has a website: http://www.ac-grenoble.fr/college/privas.ventadour.

In this school of Bernard of Ventadour there are 750 pupils. It was built in 2000.

There is a library, a cafeteria, a gymnasium, a theatre, a big play ground. Every year we do a race, school trips (England, Spain, Germany and Italy). We have a sports association the pupils have to pay 12€ to do activites.


This is the Hall. Where there is the office of the supervisors. In the back ground there is a little amphitheatre.


This is a big playground of the school. There is a football field.


This is the classroom of technology. There are a lot of machines.


This is the Library. There are lots of books we can read.


This is the cafeteria. In this cafeteria there are 200 seats.The food is very very very bad.


This is a Gymnasium which has sports equipments .

By Marion, Quentin, Arnold and Julie
