Orange Square: Stories from the Divestment Student Network



The Roots & Media Divestment Roadshow is a two hour, multi-media teach-in with social media guru Joe Solomon, heavy-weight educator Johanna de Graffenreid, and a founding member of the rapidly-growing national Divestment Student Network. Among us we bring nearly two decades of experience fighting the good fight paired with the fire of the youth movement, building on the hard work of thousands of grassroots activists from generations past. The Roadshow's first hour provides an in-depth look at the history of the climate justice movement. We do this by honoring the resistance of environmental justice frontline communities, and weaving their stories together. This is followed by an engaging workshop on the art of breaking through on social media to get the word out about your successes. The final piece presents a vision for the future of our divestment campaigns: we explore the power of organized students and youth, and how the Divestment Student Network is leveraging that power. Dinah DeWald is a founding member of the the Divestment Student Network. The Divestment Student Network is a place for students to dream big about the changes we can make as youth organizers when working together in concert. The Network’s membership includes current students and recent alumni of university fossil fuel divestment campaigns. After its official launch at PowerShift 2013, the Network swelled to include members from dozens of schools, and continues to grow rapidly. In its first few months of activity, DSN has hosted several visioning workshops for student divesters, developed a Peer Mentorship program to foster skill-sharing across campaigns, formed a frontline solidarity group to support deep and respectful relationships between youth divestment and impacted communities, and published a student-authored publication, The Orange Square. The Network is also leading coordination of the second national Student Divestment Convergence, being held in the Bay Area this spring.

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Stories from the

Divestment Student Network

Orange Square

What is it?

In The Beginning…

Creating a Network from the Ground Up

Challenges:• Small group, big dreams• School + Organizing = Difficult• Building community over the phone

Goals:• Make Network easy to engage in from Day 1• Day 1 = Powershift 2013

Convene a Divestment Breakout session

Leave with a Network

Start with a Group of Strangers

Original discussion group from PowerUp!

Their campaigns and connections to other schools

Students introduced at Powershift

Students introduced at Fossil Fuel Divestment Converence 2014!

WHY A YOUTH NETWORK?Why is it important to have a network of students, led by students?

1. Developing Student Leadership

2. Giving Students Full Decision-making Power

3. Building Power Beyond Divestment/Graduation


The DSN Assembly


Using A Network of Students Working on Climate and Environment

Get into small groups (2-4) to discuss questions


1. How could being part of a national network of students help your campaign? (3 minutes)

Debrief: What are some themes that came up?


2. If you could be in a room with students from around the country, what would you share? What questions would you ask of other students? What discussions would you want to have? (3 min)

Debrief: What are some ideas that were shared?


3. If we committed to work together for the next 3 year,s what would be possible?• What should our goals be?• What strategies could we use to achieve them?(5 min)

Debrief: What are the most exciting ideas? Themes?


What are we going to do about it?

Join A Working Group

ASSEMBLY CALLSBi-Weekly, Tuesdays at 9PM

ESTStarting Feb. 25

The Fossil Fuel Divestment CONVERGENCE 2014

Register at

April 4th-6th

San Franscisco State University
