Online learning in agricultural and life sciences


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Online Learning in Agricultural and Life Sciences

Online Learning in Agricultural and Life Sciences

Hope Kelly, PH.D.

In this module we begin to examine what online or e-learning is, some terms that will be with us throughout the course, and some promises and pitfalls of e-learning.1

What is e-Learning/online learning?Electronic versus OnlineE is for ElectronicOnline is over the InternetE is delivered on a digital deviceOnline is delivered on a connected digital device

As you may have noticed there are two terms about electronically mediated learning mainly because a long time ago e-Learning often took place without a connection to another computer. These days, the majority of digital devices used for learning are connected to the Internet, so the terms are more or less used interchangeably but they do have a practical meaning that differentiates them.For the purpose of our course, we will defer to and expand upon Clark and Mayers definition which states that e-Learning is instruction delivered on a digital device that is intended to support learning. 2

Important termsAsynchronous/SynchronousInform/PerformReceptive, Directive & Guided Discovery

Some concepts and terms that may be new for you within this context include:Asynchronous which is instruction that is completed by an individual at their own pace and not Synchronous which is bound by a set meeting time so instructors and students interact in real timeOur class is considered completely asynchronous, whereas a face-to face class would have elements of both since completing readings and assignments are typically done asynchronously.

Instruction is identified based on its goals to either inform or support performance. Instruction to inform is all about communicating information.Performance instruction falls into two categories: teaching to perform procedure tasks and teaching to perform strategic tasks. While both are skill oriented, procedure tasks are steps that do not change (like how to calculate an average in Excel) whereas strategic tasks are guidelines for problem solving (like how to develop test questions).

Finally we have three terms to describe interactivity from low to high. Receptive, which is on the low end may be represented by simply reading or viewing and listening.Directive, moves into interactions that provide feedback, like the results of a quizAnd Guided Discovery which is a more immersive interaction, like simulations that engage both behavioral tasks and psychological reasoning.

It is important to remember these are descriptors and are not a hierarchy, all these types of instructions have appropriate applications based on three things3

Making decisions about e-learning

Those three things are what our learning objectives or goals for instruction are, who our learners or audience is comprised of, and the context of both the content, the places we expect the knowledge and skills to be applied and the delivery method.

While these three things guide us in what the content of our instruction is, this course focuses on how we design that content based on the existing evidence.4

Media Studies and Evidence

E-Learning has been going on for a while and there is a large body of research to draw on.An important debate to consider, though our authors support one side adamantly, is the media-method debate. As you have read, Clark and Mayers analysis of 60 years of research supports the idea that the delivery media of instruction has no effect on the learning outcomes, what matters are the instructional methods. If you are looking to gain a contrary view that suggests that media can play a role in the experience and instructional outcomes, read Kozmas Learning with media, linked to under your readings.Either way, we will be focusing on evidence-based methods as technology mediums rapidly change.5

Promises of online learningPromisesCustomizationEngagementMultimediaSimulationGamification

PitfallsToo muchNot enough TrendsDiscovery learning

E-Learning offers unique potential and problems.

With e-learning, there is a high degree of learner control in how they interact with the content. Online learners often have the opportunity to set their own pace, repeat content as needed, and select what information they most need to review. In addition to individual control, customization can also be designed in terms of developing responsive architecture that direct students based on their performance. In addition e-Learning allows for scaled delivery of engaging multimedia, simulations, and serious games.

On the other hand, it is easy to over do it or not to leverage the opportunities particular technologies support. Creators may be impressed by current trends and adopt methods or technology that do not actually support learning. Further, instead of thoughtfully developing curriculum, individuals may leave learners to their own devices and encourage exploration of a vast network of resources and information. This discovery learning approach is particularly ineffective for novice learners who need more support and guidance in learning new information and is why we should consider the principles laid forth in this book to develop quality, functional instructional media.


Online Learning in Agricultural and Life Sciences

Nearly all fields have embraced online and e-learning to support education and training due to the promises weve just outlined. Governmental and non-governmental agencies, extension, universities, industry, school based programs, and so on are using online learning to support training, formal and informal education and professional development.

This week, you will be selecting a sample of online learning in the ag and natural resource context that you will be evaluating based on its type, architecture, promises, pitfalls, and cognitive support as presented in chapters 1 and 2 of the text. Youll find detailed instructions in the Assignments section of the course and a selection of samples to give you ideas in the Activities section of the e-Learning module page.7
