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The topic was interesting for children

as long as we could talk about

animals too: sharks, whales...

And lots of things were taken to the

class to share with others

…..even films

We have played and read books

And we investigated about animals that live in the ocean:

diet, mammals or fish, oviparous or viviparaous…

And we saw how important water is in our lives… and

how important is not to waste it in the bath time…

Also we learnt about the cycle of water: evaporation,

condensation, precipitation and collection. And we were

lucky, we could play the water game that the

Mancomunidad de Pamplona takes to schools

And finally we made an aquarium

Some of us the

water and


and others the animals…

We can say we know now why the

ocean is salty… lots of new info

about animals that live in the

ocean, and why water is so

important… lovely proyect!