Nutrition-My plate project by annette



A 2nd Grade school project to encourage healthy eating habits. Children made placemats and created their own booklets. They learnt about the 5 food groups and kept a record of what they ate for a week. They learnt the song 'Today I ate a Rainbow' and danced to the video 'Dance for the Food Groups'. They also recorded their physical activity for a week and learnt about the importance of a good night's sleep and personal hygiene.

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My Plate Project

By Annette

The object of this project is to make young children aware of how important it is to eat properly and exercise.

Healthy, happy children become healthy, happy adults!

Sleep is also vital to our well-being. Children aged 7-12 need 11 hours sleep.

Early to bed, early to rise!

DairyThe foods in this group are important sources of protein, vitamins and minerals. They are rich in calcium, which is essential for healthy bones and teeth.

Examples of dairy food:

FruitFruit contains some natural sugars that make it taste sweet, it also has lots of vitamins, minerals and fibre, which makes it more filling and nutritious than a glass of fruit juice.

Examples of fruit:

VegetablesVegetables are an important source of fibre. They are almost fat free and low in calories so in addition to keeping your digestive system healthy they can help with weight management.

Examples of vegetables:

GrainsThis food group is your body's main source of energy and contains bread, pasta, rice, popcorn and cereals.

Examples of grains:

ProteinThis food group is very important because it builds up your muscles, organs and glands. It helps repair and replace them too, so that your body can keep on working.

Examples of protein food:

Food LabelsImportant nutrients for children include protein for growth, calcium for strong bones and teeth, iron for healthy blood, vitamin A for good eyes, and vitamin C to help heal cuts and scrapes.

Food PyramidThe first food pyramid was published in Sweden in 1974. The most famous one is the American food pyramid of 1992.The pyramids were guides for healthy food intake. In 2011 food pyramids were replaced by My Plate.

Fruit and Vegetables

Today I ate a rainbowAnd it tasted great!Today I ate a rainbowAnd it was on my plateMy body is so healthy My mind is, too!Today I ate a rainbowHow about you?

Balancing my mealsThe key to a healthy balanced diet is not to omit any foods or food groups but to balance what you eat by eating a variety of foods from each food group in the right proportions for good health.

Let’s Get Active!Children need at least an hour of physical activity every day. They will:

• Feel confident about themselves• Be keen to learn in school• Keep a healthy weight• Build and keep healthy bones, muscles and joints• Sleep better at night
