Noun and Quantifiers



This slide will help you to comprehend noun and quantifiers in its use.

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Noun and Quantifiers

Adrian Siswoyo

Aulia Hakim

Deasy N. Fajriah


Proper Noun





Common Noun

Count Noun

Non-Count Noun

is the names of particular people, places, or things.

• They are usually unique. ( only one )• Proper nouns include : name of people,

places, languages , nationalities, religion ,courses, product brands, and time.

Capitalize the first letter of proper noun e.g. : The second Ra expedition was

successful. Budi goes to Europe by Citilink Airlines. Exception : don’t capitalize the first letter of

the word season. e.g. : They arrived in the spring.

Proper Noun

are general words for any people, places and things while proper nouns are

specific names of individual people, places, things, or a title.


Common Noun

Count Noun

Non-Count Noun

• Count Noun

Count Noun are people, places, or things that you can count separately.e.g. :• People : a sailor, the sailor, two

sailors• Places : an island, the island, three

islands• Things : a pencil, the pencil, four


Non-count Noun

Non-count Noun are things that you cannot count separately. Include : Activities, food, ideas and feeling, etc. ( p. A-4)e.g. : • Abstract words : courage, education, time• Fields of study : history, biology• Food : corn, chocolate, meat

Non-count Noun• They take singular verbs and pronouns. e.g. : Mathematic is an interesting subject.

It was Adrian’s favorite subject

• We usually do not use a / an with them. e.g. : A Mathematic is an interesting subject.


Which is the right one? Gold - A gold – One gold

Gold - A gold – One gold

Non-count Noun

• Some common non-count nouns do not fit into categories.

equipment homework newsfurniture information work

• Non-count nouns have no plural forms.e.g. : He had a lot of courage.

A quantifier is a word or phrase which is used before a noun to indicate the

amount or quantity


Count Noun Quantifiers

• Use a few, several, and many with plural count nouns in affirmative sentences.

e.g. : A few team members got sick.They experienced several large storms.Many people worried about them.


Count•A few•Several•many

Both•Some•Enough•A lot of•Any

Non- Count

•A little•A great deal of•much

Non-count Noun Quantifiers

• Use a little , a great deal of, and much with non-count nouns in affirmative sentences.

e.g. :They had a little trouble with the sail.They threw away a great deal of food.Much planning went into this.

Non-count Noun Quantifiers

• In affirmative sentences, much is very formal.e.g. :Very formal : We saw much pollution.Less formal : We saw a lot of pollution.

Non-count Noun Quantifiers• BE CAREFUL !

Don’t confuse a few and a little with few and little.Few and little usually mean “not enough”.

e.g. :I received a little news during the voyage.(not a lot but enough)I received little news during the voyage.(not enough news)

Both Quantifiers• Use the quantifiers

some, enough, a lot of, and any with both count nouns and non-count nouns.

e.g. :We have some eggs and some honey.Are there enough pots and enough oil ?There was a lot of danger too.There were a lot of good days.

Quantifiers inNegative and Question Sentences

• Use any in negative sentences and questions.e.g. :- Negative : We didn’t see any sharks.

- Question : Is there any tea left?

Quantifiers inNegative and Question Sentences

In questions and negative sentences.• Use many with count nouns.• Use much with non-count nouns.e.g. : A : How many ships did they see?B : They didn’t see many. A : How much cost of the ticket?

Quantifiers inNegative and Question Sentences

• USAGE NOTE :Much isn’t formal in questions and

negative sentences.e.g. : A : How much water did they carry?B : They didn’t carry much.

Count Nouns


Noun Verb

AOne sailor is

braveTheTwo sailors are

Non-count Nouns

Noun Verb




Sailing dangerous

Exercises !

Quantifiers and Count Nouns

Quantifiers Noun

I saw

SomeEnoughA lot of


A fewSeveralMany

I didn’t seeAny

EnoughA lot ofMany

Quantifiers and Non-count Nouns

Quantifiers Noun

I used

SomeEnoughA lot of



A littleA great deal


I didn’t useAny

EnoughA lot ofmuch

Thank You Source :

Grammar Text Book
