Normal, Overweight and Obese


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and ObeseMr. AL-LYN L. VOCAL

Physical Education 10

La Salle University Integrated School

Why Is a Healthy Weight Important?

Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight is important

for overall health and can help you prevent and control

many diseases and conditions.

If you are overweight or obese, you are at higher risk of

developing serious health problems, including heart

disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes,

gallstones, breathing problems, and certain cancers.

That is why maintaining a healthy weight is so



Why Is a Healthy Weight Important?

It helps you lower

your risk for

developing these

problems, helps you

feel good about

yourself, and gives

you more energy to

enjoy life.


What Factors Contribute To a

Healthy Weight?

Many factors can contribute to a

person’s weight. These factors

include environment, family history

and genetics, metabolism (the way

your body changes food and oxygen

into energy), and behavior or habits.


Energy Balance

Energy balance is important for

maintaining a healthy weight.

The amount of energy or calories you get

from food and drinks (energy IN) is balanced

with the energy your body uses for things like

breathing, digesting, and being physically

active (energy OUT):

The same amount of energy IN and energy

OUT over time = weight stays the same

(energy balance)


Energy Balance

More energy IN than OUT over time =

weight gain

More energy OUT than IN over time =

weight loss

To maintain a healthy weight, your

energy IN and OUT don’t have to

balance exactly every day. It’s the

balance over time that helps you

maintain a healthy weight.


Energy Balance

You can reach and maintain a healthy

weight if you:

Follow a healthy diet, and if you are

overweight or obese, reduce your daily

intake by 500 calories for weight loss

Are physically active

Limit the time you spend being

physically inactive




The Benefits of an Active Lifestyle

Living an active life is important to

staying healthy. According to

the Harvard School of Public Health,

staying active helps to reduce your

risk of:

heart disease





The Benefits of an Active Lifestyle

You don’t have to be a distance

runner to improve your health. The

most important thing is that you’re

staying active. It helps just to:

give your heart a workout

stay strong

try to maintain a healthy weight


Tips for Maintaining an Active


The trick to staying active

is to find something you

enjoy doing.

For some, that means

having a friend to exercise


It doesn’t matter whether

you’re going to the gym or

walking around the block.


Tips for Maintaining an Active


Others prefer to

dance along to an

aerobics DVD in

private or go for a

quiet bike ride.

It can be hard to find

your workout style.

It can help to mix it up

every once in a while.


Tip 1: Take It Slow Haven’t been active in several


Start out slow. Always talk to

your doctor before starting an

exercise program.

There may be precautions

you should take.

In general, you’ll want to start

out with sessions of only five

or 10 minutes.

You can gradually increase

the length of your sessions

over time.


Tip 2: Get Your 30 Your goal for physical activity should be 30 minutes

each day. According to the Harvard School of Public

Health, three 10-minute sessions are just as good as

one longer session. For example, you could do:

10 minutes of dancing before work

a 10-minute walk around the parking lot at lunch

a 10-minute walk around the neighborhood as soon as

you get home

Of course, more exercise is better. However, take

precautions to avoid injuries such as muscle strain. It’s

better to work out a little less one day if it will help you

do it again the next.


Tip 3: Pump Some Iron You don’t just need

aerobic exercise.

Resistance training or

weight lifting is also

important. This type of

exercise helps

strengthen your bones

and improve your

balance and

coordination. This

reduces your risk for

osteoporosis. It also

helps prevent injuries or



Tip 4: Mix It Up

Many gyms and community centers

offer free classes with a monthly

membership. Take advantage of

those opportunities. You may get to

experience some of the newest and

hottest fitness trends. You never

know what you might fall in love

with next.


Tip 5: Mind Your Money

You can get a great workout at home

for just pennies. Fitness DVDs are a

great way to exercise.. Many local

libraries also lend out exercise DVDs.

Checking out different DVDs can be a

great way to find new types of

exercise you like.


Tip 5: Mind Your Money

Another option is

to tune in to a

fitness show

broadcast on TV.

Exercise shows

are also available

on the Internet.


Tip 5: Mind Your Money

Other home-friendly workouts that require little

or no special equipment include:

walking or jogging

jumping rope



weight training with found objects (bags of

beans, a heavy book, a water bottle)

jumping jacks



Tip 6: Stretch

Stretching after a workout should always

be part of your routine. Stretching

improves flexibility and range of motion. It

may also cut your risk of injury or muscle

cramps. Finally, stretching improves

circulation throughout the body.



Why lose weight?

If you’re extremely obese, losing weight

can mean “less heart disease,

less diabetes and less cancer,” said

Robert Eckel, M.D., past president of the

American Heart Association. “Metabolic

improvements start to occur when people

with extreme obesity lose about 10

percent of their body weight.”


Why lose weight?

Losing weight can reduce your risk

of heart disease and stroke; risk

factors like high blood

pressure, plasma glucose and sleep


It can also help lower your total

cholesterol, triglycerides and raise

“good” cholesterol — HDL.


Understanding Extreme Obesity

A healthy BMIranges from 17.5 –22.9 kg/m2. If yourbody mass index is25 or higher, you areconsideredmoderately toextremely obese (ormorbidly obese.)


How to Get HealthierIf you’re extremely obese, taking action to lose weight and

improve your health may seem overwhelming. You may

have had trouble losing weight or maintaining your weight

loss, been diagnosed with medical problems and endured

the social stigma of obesity.


How to Get Healthier

“The key to getting started is to find a

compassionate doctor with expertise in treating

extreme obesity,” said Dr. Eckel, who is also

professor of medicine and Charles A. Boettcher

II Chair in Atherosclerosis at the University of

Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora,

Colo. “Bonding with your physician is the

best way to get past first base and on the

path to better health.”


How to Get Healthier If you’re extremely obese, Dr. Eckel recommends that

you become more active, but not to start a vigorous

workout program without getting physician advice and

not until you’ve lost about 10 percent of your body


“You can continue the level of physical activity that

you’re already doing, but check with your physician

before increasing it,” Dr. Eckel said. “Some people

with extreme obesity may have health issues like

arthritis or heart disease that could limit or even be

worsened by exercise.”


Treatment Options Talk to your doctor about the health benefits and the

risks of treatment options for extreme obesity:

Change your diet. You may be referred to a dietician

who can help you with a plan to lose one to two

pounds per week. To lose weight, you have to reduce

the number of calories you consume. Start by

tracking everything you eat.

“You have to become a good record-keeper,” Dr.

Eckel said. “Reduce calories by 500 calories per day

to lose about a one pound a week, or cut 1,000

calories a day to lose about two pounds a week.”


Treatment Options

Consider adding physical

activity after reaching a minimum of 10

percent weight-loss goal.

Medication. Some people can benefit

from medication to help with weight loss

for extreme obesity. Keep in mind that

medication can be expensive and have

side effects.


Treatment Options

Surgery. If changing your diet, getting more physical

activity and taking medication haven’t helped you lose

enough weight, bariatric or “metabolic” surgery may be

an option. The American Heart Association

recommends surgery for those who are healthy

enough for the procedure and have been unsuccessful

with lifestyle changes and medication. Risks can

include infections and potentially dangerous blood

clots soon after the operation, and concerns about

getting the right amount of vitamins and minerals long-



Get The Social Or Medical Support You


Although some people can modify their lifestyle

and lose weight on their own, many need extra

help. A social support system can help

encourage your progress and keep you on track.

Decide what support best fits your needs —

either a weight-loss support group or one-on-

one therapy.

Some people with extreme obesity suffer from

depression. Talk to your doctor about the best

treatment, as some anti-depressant medications

can cause weight gain.


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