New york



New York

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New York

The evolution of NYC

The Big Apple

The Big Apple, as New York city is nicknamed

Is the home of 8 million people

It is considered

to be a national leader in business, finance, manufacturing, industry, fashion and the arts

New York is situated at the mouth of the Hudson River.

Port of New York

It is one of the largest ports of the world

The Liberty Statue

It was presented to the US by France to commemorate the hundredth anniversary of American Independence

The city consists of five boroughs

At the beginning of the 17th century only the wigwams of the Indians stood in the place where the skyscrapers

of new York Now reach to the clouds

In 1626 the Dutch Trade Company buoght Manhattan Island from the local Indians at 24$. The Indians called the island Manhattan which in one of the Indian languages meant “Thay cheated us”. The Dutch founded a colony there and called it New Amsterdam.40 years later the English captured the city and renamed it New York.


The heart of the city is Manhattan – a rocky island ,thirteen miles long and two miles wide

Wall Street is the financial centre of New York

Here the New York Stock Exchange is situated

There are other world famous streets in New York such as

Park avenue

The Fifth avenue

There are many fashionable shops

hotels and clubs in these streets

Because the streets of old New York were very narrow the Americans began to build

high buildings

Empire State Building


The Empire State building was officially opened on May 1, 1931.It is visible from many places in New York.The 102nd –floor is highest point in New York

Twin buildings of the World Trade Centre(110 stories)were built which were destroyed as result of the terrorist attack on

September 11.2001

United Nations Headquarters

Occupy a six-block area on the East River

At the front of the buildings you can see 166 flags for the 166 member nations

It’s a city of famous theatres most of which are situated in Broadway

In fact, Broadway is the symbol of American theatre as Hollywood is of American cinema

One part of Broadway is sometimes called the Great White Way, because the advertisements are so brigt

in Broadway that they turn night into day

New York is very beautifully illuminated

The city has many world famous museums such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Guggenheim museumwhich has very remarkable modern


Graffitis on the walls

Fantastic view of New York at night

"Empire State of Mind" Jay Z | Alicia Keys

New York

But Yerevan the most beautiful city in the world

And finally we all are