New e mail marketing


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Email Marketing

Electronic marketing is directly marketing a commercial message to a group of people using email. In its broadest sense, every email sent to a potential or current customer could be considered email marketing. It usually involves using email to send ads, request business, or solicit sales or donations, and is meant to build loyalty, trust, or brand awareness. Email marketing can be done to either sold lists or current customer database. Broadly, the term is usually used to refer to: Sending email messages with the purpose of enhancing the relationship of a merchant with its current or previous customers, to encourage customer loyalty and repeat business.

Introduction :

Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

Writing An Effective Email

• The subject line of your e-mail is of utmost importance, as it is what will determine whether the person reads, files, forwards, ignores, or deletes your e-mail message. Therefore, be specific enough to convey the main purpose of your message in the subject line. For example, don’t just write “Meeting,” but rather “Schedule Meeting to Discuss Upcoming Marketing Seminar.” Also, consider including essential information (such as a response date) in the subject line if you can do so briefly.

• Be careful when crafting the subject of your e-mail, however, that you do not unintentionally imply more or less than you intend to.

Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

Subject lines Are Headlines

• Subject lines in emails should be approached in exactly the same way. It is the subject line that gets the email opened, not the content. Nobody knows the content except you, so make sure that your subject line compels the receiver to open it. Most people open their inbox each morning to find dozens and dozens of emails, sometimes even hundreds. They quickly scan down the subject lines, and sometimes the sender.

• However, analysis has shown that it is the subject line that most determines whether or not an email is opened. Once it is opened, it is then the title that determines if it is read, so with an email you have both the subject line and the title to work on. Little wonder that people who are expert at writing subject lines and titles make so much money from their ebooks on the subject.

Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

Email Template

• Email newsletters are an important part of communicating with our customers and updating them about the latest happening in your company. An interesting layout catches the attention of the reader and thus help in spreading a work about your product or service. When you send out newsletter, you have to try and catch your reader’s attention and that is a very difficult thing to do in this day and age, because people don’t have very long attention spans.

• Good HTML Email Templates gives you the upper hand as it can be modified easily and is not too bulky for the readers Inbox. Today we have collected Free HTML Email Templates for you to make sure that you will be able to grab the attention of your readers and then keep it.

Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

Mass Email

• A Bulk Email Marketing company, can provide a full service mass emailing campaign to Bulk Email Marketing Software and server. Whether you are looking for a trusted and reliable mass emailing company to fast delivery of your mass bulk email campaign, IPS Bulk Email Marketing is the answer for your email blasting needs. From our exclusive online mass emailing software to our dedicated mass emailing servers solution, IPS email marketing can be your solution provider in your mass emailing needs.

Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

How To Stop Email Spam

• Spam has become a constant fixture in our online lives. While it’s easy to gloss over spam in your inbox, accidentally clicking a spam link can lead to virus infection and identity theft. Take the fight to the spammers by actively blocking the spam that you receive, as well as preventing future spam. Your inbox will thank you.

Any message that asks for your password is never real (all legitimate websites have automated password reset programs). Requests from strangers should always be ignored . Many email services have a preview window, which will allow you to read an email message without opening it.

Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

Steps For Stop Spam

1. Check who it’s from :Spam will almost always come from an unrecognized sender,

often with odd email addresses. That doesn’t mean that all unrecognized email is spam. Legitimate newsletters, website administration emails (password resets, authentication requests, etc.), and more may come from addresses you don’t recognize.

2. Look for links :Only click links from trusted senders. The entire purpose of

spam is to get you to click a link. If an email contains a link and you don’t recognize the sender, chances are it is spam. Hover your mouse over any link to see the destination in your browser or email client’s status bar.

Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

3. Check the spelling :Spam often contains misspellings and oddly-worded

sentences. This can include bizarre capitalization and weird punctuation. Many have gibberish at the end of the message.

4. Read the message:Anything that claims you are a winner for a contest you

never entered, offers you access to unclaimed money, or promises free electronics or pills is ever legitimate. Any message that asks for your password is never real (all legitimate websites have automated password reset programs). Requests from strangers should always be ignored.Many email services have a preview window, which will allow you to read an email message without opening it.

Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat

5. Look for attachments :Malware and viruses are often disguised as email

attachments. Never download an attachment from a sender that you do not trust or were not expecting.

Trainings by Vidya Bhagwat