NATO SM course Lesson 5



NATO SM MOOC - Lesson 5 Conferences Event · Wed Mar 5, 2014 9:00 am - 10:30am EST Social Media Tools and Techniques by David Bailey

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Tools, Tips, Techniques

05 March 2014


NATO Social Media MOOC.

The views expressed by David during the following presentation


reflect the views of the:

United Kingdom,United Nations,

any National Governments,NATO (SFOR, KFOR, ISAF) etc

(the list is not exhaustive).

Who am I?

Digital Storyteller


Social Media Trainer

Digital Native

So what's on the Menu for Today?

Why Social Media is VITAL to you.

Getting you comfortable to use Social Sharing software.

Introducing Digital Storytelling.

and wrapping into this why there is really no need to fear Social Media.

The Value Exchange.

Transparency =

Believability =


Today's Value Exchange.

You get some Solid Tips

I get (hopefully) some more Followers/Viewers

Today's Value Exchange.


It’s all about SHARING.

when you repost (forward) something or RT something then credit


in “normal” life you usually tell peole where the story, joke, information came from.



Communication – Questions etc Today?

I will be monitoring #natoSMc.and the livestream feed.


I have been following you since the course started.

most of you don’t sound REAL.

Like you are tense, nervous, almost like to institutions you work for.



A tip to not messing up on SM.

When using SM think like you are a Brand.

Brands and Products Influence in our modern world.

Whatever you think, so do you when you post on SM.

So think about bad brand awareness.

Think about your career or relationship going badly wrong.

So why is SM VITAL?

Video, Images, Text, Audio, Links

We can't cover all SM tools.

So as a starter pack it's

Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr,iPadio, Facebook

But we will try and create a small network using SM apps that are free and readily available, not too complicated BUT effective.

Twitter tips

I thought we would focus heavily on Twitter and “look” at supporting tools.

Twitter tips

The avatar and back ground image.

Does this portray who you are/what you stand for?

Lose the “egg”

Having an egg as your avatar says you are either really lazy or you don’t take twitter seriously.

Twitter tips

Make it personal by adding your face.

I always recommend that you post a picture of your face up as your avatar.

(unless you are a brand)

This makes people feel that they’re talking to a real person and really helps you to build relationships.

Twitter tips

The biography (profile).

NEVER leave your profile blank.

Sell yourself in your profile.

You have 160 words to sell yourself in your twitter profile. Use it. This is your shop window, your chance to tell people what

you’re all about and give them a reason to follow you.

Twitter tips

Link back to your blog or website

You have the chance to include a URL in your profile.

This is your chance to tell people more about yourself than the 160 characters in your profile.

Just make sure you use the opportunity as people who are interested in your profile will often want to learn more.

Twitter tips

Tweet before you follow

Even though you’re talking to yourself, send out a tweet or two before you start following anyone.

People wondering whether or not to follow you back will often take a look at your profile, and if they see you’ve never tweeted

they will be very unmotivated to follow you.

Twitter tips

Start as you mean to go on

The best way to grow your network and become a reliable source of information is to provide really high quality tweets from

the word go.

Twitter tips

# Hashtaging.Why tag?

Great for searchMore people using tags than any other search tool

Some thoughts on over tagging

Link Shortening.


Great app for Android, Windows Phone and iOS.

Image and Video creation on the move.

Excellent “One Stop Shop” for maintaining a simple, personal Social Media Network from a mobile Device.

Instagram Image Publishing 1.

Instagram Image Publishing 2.

Instagram Image Publishing 3.

Instagram Image Publishing 4.

Instagram Image Publishing 6.

Instagram Video Publishing .

15 secs of content recorded in “bursts”

Simple Blogging

Podcasting Made Easy

Podcasting Made Easy

Podcasting Made Easy

Podcasting Made Easy

Lets build a Simple Social Network

A Simple Social Network

A Simple Social Network

So all thats needed as content creation tools are:




Some Hard Facts to think about:

Transparency is the way ahead

You can not not influence

Insurgents use Information backed with HARD power

NATO uses HARD power supported by Information

Insurgents win EVERY time as they are culturally aware and they speak the way the audience understands.

The “How to” Graphic?(click on the links)

Links to tutorials and other stuff will be posted on the Forum

Any questions?

Skype: dfbmbe

Facebook: MilitaryDigitalStorytelling


SMS: 00387 65 393341 (no calls please)