My reflections on the USC online MaST program



After participating in the Mathematics Specialist program(MaST) offered by the University if Southern Caribbean (USC), It gives me great pleasure to express the many ways in which my thinking and teaching practice has been impacted by this wonderful experience.

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Reflections of my online MaST program

Learning vs. Passes?

As a mathematics specialist my primary focus is to function as a facilitator to ensure that learning takes place and not just passes.

Different types of learners?

As a mathematics specialist I realize that there are different types of learners in the classroom with different learning styles

REACHING EVERY STUDENTAs a mathematics specialist I must try my best to ensure that every student gains a clear understanding of the content and in order to boost their confidence and increase their love for mathematics

INSPIRE MY STUDENTS INSPIRE MY STUDENTS As a mathematics specialist I must understand that “The mediocre teacher tells.  The good teacher explains.  The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”  ~William Arthur Ward


"If a job's worth doing, it's worth doing well."-Proverbs

Be Enthusias


Love what I do and be enthusiastic about it – hopefully the students will feed on that enthusiasm

Capture students attention

Use of innovative and meaningful ways to get students undivided attention and stimulate their interest in the subject

Differentiated Teaching Present the same content with the intention of getting the same outcome, however using different methods of getting there

Use of technologyUse of modern technology such as PowerPoint, computer games and software, and internet resources to teach students and get them engaged in and out of the classroom

Networking with other teachers

Sharing best practices and resource materials with other teachers and incorporating those ideas in lessons

When situation arise that cannot be handled don’t be afraid to ask colleges and other professionals for help

Involves much more than merely giving students content in the subject area, but that the work of a teacher is one that brings about total transformation
