My life plans


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MY LIFE PLANS!Lizeth Mayorga



I want to work in the clinic san luis to provide care to women and children

HEALTHI would like to eat better.

Perform daily exercise

I want to lose weight.


I long to finish my career nurse this year.

I would like to specialize in paediatrics.

I would like to improve English language and to obtain better opportunities in another country.

Family and children

I would like to marry civilly

I would like to have a dog and a cat

I would like to travel to London


I would like to have a country home to rest on weekends

Also an apartment with sea view


I would like to have an Iphone seven


I would like to have a Duster

Community Life and Servicies

I would like to have a shelter for street animals

Shopping Banking

I would like to have a closet full of clothes and shoes.

I would like to be more aware of what happens in other parts of the world through Internet news

Media, Tv, Radio, Newspapers

Technology, computers

I would like to have a macbook because it is very beautiful and comfortable to work.

My personal or family life goals

get up early to make breakfast and go to college

I'll be very excited and happy to be finishing my career

I'll be very happy to have finished my nursing career

My working life goals

I'll be back in college starting my last semester of nursing

I'll be doing my final practice race

happy because I finished my career and start working to reward my parents and meet the proposed projects

My community life goals

I will continue studying to help the community, especially the elderly and children

I'll be doing my final practice at the psychiatric hospital , as these patients usually are forgotten because of their condition

I'll be thinking of working in the same place to do my practice




What do you want to be able to do ?finish school because it is my last semester of career and so to work

What skills are needed?Dedication, responsability, venture, motivation.

What strategies will you use?propose objectives and goals for the short , medium or long term , with dedication and responsibility

How will you know when you have achieved your goal?when I graduate and start working

What evidence of progress toward your goal will you collect?the happiness of my family, the gratitude of my patients , and recognition of people where you go.