My Individual Project for College


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Candice Newsome


Terry Powell

Individual Project

1. Title: Break Time

Info: When people work to hard they sometimes forget to take their breaks.

Tone: Casual

Author: Manger

Target Audience: All Employees

2. Title: Healthy Food

Info: When women co-workers want to lose the weight that they hate.

Tone: Casual

Author: Trainer

Target Audience: Female Co-Workers

3. Title: Stress Be Gone

Info: Many employees become stressed out and some people don’t know how to handle it.

Tone: Casual

Author: The Boss Women

Target Audience: All Employees

4. Title: The Hard Working

Info: People have worked hard to earn what they need or want.

Tone: Business

Author: The Boss Man

Target Audience: All Employees

5. Title: The Run Aways

Info: When working to hard you want vacation time so we are giving you the best vacation deals.

Tone: Casual

Author: The Fun Manger

Target Audience: All Employees

6. Title: Office Parties

Info: What a better way to have a holiday or birthday than have a party with your co-workers.

Tone: Casual

Author: The Party Planer

Target Audience: All Employees

7. Title: The Deals

Info: Many people like going to places but just want to save money.

Tone: Casual

Author: The Money Saver

Target Audience: All Employees

8. Title: The Crazy News

Info: Many people use the computer to find out the weather or traffic so we thought we would tell you.

Tone: Casual

Author: The Weather Person

Target Audience: All Employees

9. Title: The Trouble Your In

Info: You are in trouble and the Boss people want to see you.

Tone: Business

Author: The Assistant

Target Audience: The Trouble Maker

10. Title: The Firing

Info: Many people have been doing a bad job or we just have to let you go.

Tone: Business

Author: The Boss People

Target Audience: The Fired Employees

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Week 1 The Smiling Day

The Music Day

The Dancing Day

The Making Jokes Day

The Party Day

The Planers Day

Week 2 The Dance Dance Day

The Wait! Day

The Crazy What Day

The Crazy Shirt Day

The Crazy Hair Day

The What Happened To You Day

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12 likes and about 7 shares, I see that people care laugh out loud just kindding.